14 - Heavy Rains, Howling Winds

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Taehyung POV

It is almost nine o'clock in the evening, when the taxi arrived at Hoseok's condominium building. The building is known for housing the richest and most famous people in Korea. My brother must have worked hard in his various businesses to be able to afford this luxurious lifestyle.

I breathed a deep sigh, then pushed the doorbell of my brother's unit. Hoseok opened the door and there he is, standing like an innocent angel, wearing his white T-shirt weeping. In just two seconds, he ran towards me and gave me a tight embrace. "I am so happy to see you". I embraced him also, Jungkook if you only know how much I miss you. A tear fell from my face and then released him, holding his hand tightly.

"Hyung, can I borrow your car?"

"Which car?" Hoseok smiled as he witnessed our emotional reunion.

"The Benz probably..."

Hoseok pointed his fingers to a nearby table. "Get the keys in that table, do you want to eat first before you leave?"

"No Hoseok hyung, its best if we leave now, the typhoon is on its way."

Jungkook bowed to my brother and said. "Thank you very much Hoseok hyung for letting me stay in your place, I will be eternally grateful for your kindness."

"No problem Jungkook dongseang, and good luck with your life". Hoseok replied.

I carried Jungkook's backpack and was about to go out the door, when Hoseok called me out. "Tae, you know what to do."

"Bye, hyung."

We walked towards the parking space, and Jungkook is walking behind me, "Tae, wait, why are you walking so fast?"

"We have to hurry, the storm is here."

I managed to open the car and immediately threw Jungkook's bag in the back.

"Get in."

I started the engine and when we are out in the road, the rain is getting heavier and although we are inside the car, we could hear the strong gushing of the wind.

"Tae, is something wrong?." Jungkook must have noticed that I am unusually silent and cold towards him tonight. I can't do it Kookie. I don't know how to start. I took my wallet and brought out my card.

"Jungkook,... my card must have 1000 dollars in it. Just check-in a hotel for tonight. Then tomorrow, look for a place, a decent room for you to stay in Seoul."

He grabbed my arm, "What are you talking about? You said we are going to live together and I could stay in your condominium."

"I couldn't let you stay there Jungkook, there are paparazzis around, you know how fans can be, they will speculate about us, it will ruin my career and the career of my bandmates. Go on, take my card... I will drive you to the nearest hotel"

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