27. Flirting

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"Camille!!!" I look down and see Camille's eyes shoot open. She soon jumped up and pulled me with her. "Hmm dad" she responds to him as we walk down the stairs.

  "Blake asked if you would show him around the town" her dad asked, she looked over her shoulder toward me and I gave her a smile. "Alright, mini tour you bet" she says with a small laugh.

     She just finished getting dressed in a red obey sweatshirt and some leggings. What a cutie, this girl drives me crazy.

    This Blake guy kinda irritates me sometimes with the way he looks at Camille, not gonna lie. My girl, and always will be my girl. I get snapped out of thoughts when I realized Camille is looking at me from the door telling me to follow. A smile grows on my face as I follow her downstairs out the door with Blake.

Camille takes my hand and Intertwines it together. As we casually walk down the street we get to the main road where everything is at. "So tell me a little about yourself, what are you interested in Blake?" She asks as we stop walking.

"You.." he mumbles and I give him a side glance. "Um I don't know" he adds. Camille looks up at me to make eye contact and gives me a questionable look. We walk into this small shop that sells pastry's, so I go right for a muffin and buy us all a treat.

Not going to hide it walking the streets with my girlfriend is great, but not when the tag along is constantly flirting with her. We are on are way home now but still have a long walk ahead of us. Soon as we are about to turn the corner back into the neighborhood, these two girls come running up to me.

"Hey-heyy could we pleaseee get a picture weloveyousoomuch" they say fast in union. I smile then grab each of there phones to take a picture. I over hear Blake saying something to Camille so I try to hurry my conversation up.

"You look so good when-." That's when I came up to them and he stopped talking. "Don't you think it's kinda weird to be hitting on your future step sister Blake?" I ask. He looks at me with a glare and Camille sees it. "He wasn't flirting?" She says which makes me laugh. "Yeah Shawn, not flirting." Blake says back. Camille rolls her eyes, "Stop Guys, Blake you are my step brother maybe you are being a little too much" she says as we are about to reach the house.

"I'm sorry, Camille just can't watch you get hit on by a young boy, it's weird" I say playing with her hair as she lays on my chest. "Don't worry about it, I love you" I'm taken back by the word choice, I mean we have said it just not often.

"DINNERRR" her dad yells from downstairs. It's the last dinner before we head to Europe for the EMA's. No one actually knows how happy I am I get to bring my girlfriend along.

     As we take foot downstairs, there is everyone sitting around the table. It's supposed to be our big dinner since Camille doesn't travel and it's a big deal. We chatter and share laughs, embarrassing yet super cute story's of Camille. Every time I glance at Camille her cheeks are rosy with a smile across her face. 

       "Goodnight my love" I whisper as she falls fast asleep and soon so do I.

   I get woken by the alarm meaning it's time to get up and head to the airport. The clock read 5:45, fresh and early. Camille doesn't seem too happy of the idea of getting up early. She goes in the restroom to brush her teeth and get ready. As she walks out she looks at me with a blank stare, "how the hell do you do this mendes" I laugh. "You should be excited, I'm excited" I say.

She zombie like walks to her closet grabbing some ripped jeans and takes her shirt off walking toward me. "Could I barrow a sweatshirt possibly" she looks at me with pleading eyes. "Uh yes you look better in them then I do" I say throwing her my grey Nike hoodie. As she looks at it she smiles then puts it on over her small figure. Looking as cute as ever.

     We enter the airport and there stands Andrew, and Cez. I smile and bring them in a hug then they go to hug Camille. Boarding the plane went fast and next thing I know I look over at Camille and she's fast asleep, of course. Starting to close my eyes it feels like just a few seconds later my shoulder is being shook. "We are here Shawn," Andrew says, and I nod opening my eyes.

       As we reach the hotel, the paparazzi are already there with clicks and flashes going off like crazy. I pull Camille into my side more as we reach the entrance. Checking in under Ryan, my fake name trying not to be exposed to others. We hurry to our room and Camille jumps on the bed doing a belly flop. "Ouch" I hear muffled in the bed comforter.

      "Camille I'll be back, you can come with or stay but I'm gonna go practice with the boys" I say getting up from the bed.

"Alright sounds good, I'm staying here today, love you though," she says which makes me smile. "I love you too" I say walking out of our room.



      "Babe you got this go break a leg" I say hugging him pushing him toward the stage. I run off after and try to get to my seat so I can see the performance. Making it just in time he enters the stage and the crowd goes insane. If the crowd is crazy, that's how you know Shawn Mendes has just walked on stage.

     I feel the tears in my eyes build up from the amount of joy his performance brought but my mascara will run. Keeping the tears in I run up to Shawn I koala style jump into his arms. "Baby you did so good" I take a look at him and he has huge smile on his face. I love my sweaty mendes, he's some how even more attractive. I'm so lucky to know this guy on such a personal level.


Second to last chapter enjoy loves, I'm sad. I know it's short story. ARE YOU READY FOR THE LAST CHAPTER?!

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