5. Feelings

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       I look over at Winter, and she was smiling so big that her cheeks were red, "omg did I just see that" she freaks. I let a small chuckle out because I can't even process what just happened myself. Maybe he wants to get to know me, yeah probably not just over thinking things.

     We decide to go up stairs because we have been playing games for awhile. Walking up to the elevator Pressing floor 12 I start going through my photos. I actually don't look that bad in the pictures we took, but honestly I think he just made it perfect. Looking down at my phone, the elevator stopped at the 12th floor.

     Not looking up from my phone I begin to walk out and turn the corner, but I run into the tall figure and my phone goes flying. "Oh my- my god, I'm so sorry" he makes eye contact with me. It was Shawn fricken Mendes himself, so embarrassed I could tell my face was red. "not your fault I'm so sorry" I say nervously. He steps over and grabs my phone off the ground, smiling locking his eyes with mine again. He didn't  have his body guard or manager with him at the time, which I thought was kinda strange.

    He started to hand me my phone back, not breaking eye contact with me, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. "Would you mind putting your number in my phone, I would really like someone like you to talk too in my free time" he asked quite smoothly.

"I'd love too, you do the same" he hands me his phone. Thinking what I should put my contact name as I put "Camille😇" and placed my number. "I'm gonna go to our room see you soon, nice seeing you again Shawn" Winter says walking away. Shawn giving her a sweet smile then looks at me and hands me back my phone.

     Looking at Camille just makes my heart skip a beat, she's drop dead gorgeous. Before hanging her phone back I put my number in her phone as  "Shawn!🤤"  hoping to get a laugh out of her. Taking my phone back from her looking at the name it was so simple but perfect. Her reaction is adorable she slightly laughs and has a huge smile on her face.

"Let's take a picture for your contact" she suggest. Coming close to her putting my arm on her back,
I smile without even forcing it. She's just so beautiful, her light green eyes just make me feel like everything slows down, makes me stress free.

   Breaking the silence I lean in to hug her and she wraps her arms around my neck, I don't ever want to let go. "Bye, I'll text you soon" I say not wanting to come across clingy. "My kind of soon right, not yours?", I laugh at what she says "yes like later tonight" I say chuckling.

  She does a soft little wave goodbye and I walk into the elevator. Heading down to go to first floor, it stops and opens I walk to the small shop and grab some waters.

      Walking into my hotel room I lay down on the couch and I couldn't stop thinking about Camille her smile, her voice, everything. I have a couple days left here in Portland till I actually have to go to Vancouver. I sadly don't think she lives in Portland though because she is staying in a hotel. Trying not to fall asleep I can feel the weight of my eyelids, I open a chat with Camille.

Shawn!🤤: I wanted to thank you for coming to my concert tonight and having the honor of meeting you Camille.

Camille😇: Awe thank you, that's so sweet. I'm the one that should being saying that, I'm lucky I've ran into you so many times today.

Shawn!🤤: I do not agree, it was my pleasure. Goodnight sweetheart I'll talk to you tomorrow, sleep well. Please text me before you leave the hotel, Sweet dreams.

Camille😇: Goodnight Shawn (;

     So many feelings going through me at the same time, he is just a dream boy that no one can have. I look at the time and it reads 1:23 am, I need to get to bed. Closing my eyes falling asleep fast after.

Waking up in the morning before anyone else, I look at my phone seeing if I had a text from Shawn and I didnt so I closed my eyes.

    45 minutes later Kim's phone started going off, super loud and annoying. I jump up putting my sweater back on and looking at my phone, I see a text from Shawn and I open it fast because it's from 7 minutes ago.

Shawn!🤤: would you and your friend want to have breakfast together?

Camille😇: yes we'd love to, what time you thinking and where?

Shawn!🤤: how about the restaurant on the corner of the street, something grill. Also does 9 work?

Camille😇: yes great, see you then!

    Only having 15 minutes till we were supposed to be there I borrowed leggings from kim, and wore my loose white shirt from yesterday. Putting my hair in a messy bun, I walked out the door. Winter of course looking perfect as always still had perfectly straightened hair and didn't look tired at all. Walking into the restaurant, Shawn was standing there and looked at me with his eyes widened.

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