13. Memories

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Short chapter I'm sorry but I writing this very late, but please enjoy and tell me what you think!


Him holding me made tears go down my face, trying to stop it but I couldn't. He looked at me in concern "Camille, are you okay? He asked. "Yes" I respond short. He stepped back a little and whipped my tears, making my mind think clear all I could think about was him. I really just want to be with him, with nothing in our way but that's not possible. Everyone loves the dork Shawn Mendes.

The roads were empty and we hardly ran into anyone at this time of night, we were walking back to our room. For about 5 minutes we were sileny, still holding hands but not talking. I couldn't help but look at him once in awhile he was just so cute and perfect.

Getting to the room I basically fell on the bed from exhaustion. I went to the bathroom to change into black bedtime shorts and random short cut tank top. Getting out of the bathroom Shawn had his shirt off, but he was facing the other direction so I could perfectly see his back muscles. "Wow" I shout, trying to cover my mouth from embarrassment. "Same to you" he says with a small wink. My face heating up I giggle from happiness and embarrassment. I laid down on the other side of the bed just glancing at Shawn. He has vibrate abs, and it was very attractive.

     "Let's take a picture, it's our last night together for a little" he says leaning closer putting his arm on my skin showing on my stomach. I leaned my head on his neck, I swing my arm over so I could have balance so I put my hand on his chest. He looked at my hand and back at me then smiled. After he took the picture he just stared at his phone for a minute, I peaked at his phone to see the picture and he looked so cute and comfy. I rolled over more on to my side so I wasn't bothering him. About 5 minutes later a hand grabbed my side and started pulling me toward them, of course it was Shawn. I laid my head on his chest and cuddled against him.

"I don't want to leave you tomorrow" he says whispering. "I don't want you to either" I say frowning, knowing he can't see my face. "Weird to ask maybe but what's so different in me then other people, that you are spending time with me?" I ask very curiously. "Right as I looked at you I just couldn't get enough, I needed to get to know you" he said, his voice shaky but sweet. I put my head up to look at him and I couldn't help but smile. "Goodnight beautiful" he said letting our a small breath. "Goodnight" I reply.

In the morning he still his arms tight around me, I didn't want to get up or ever have him leave my side. I knew it was still very early so I didn't want to move but of course I had the erg to go to the restroom. I waited for about 4 minutes then shot up not being able to take it. Returning to him he was still sound asleep, so I came and cuddled next to him once again. The clock read 5:59, knowing we didn't have to be up till 8 I closed my eyes waiting to get tired again and fell fast asleep.

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