12. Always thinking

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I do not have enough money for a hotel on me right now, Jesus. There is no way I want to make Shawn pay for it. "We can't get a room tonight, I don't have enough money on me" I say embarrassed. He looked at me with a slight confusion, " I was going to get it for us, no way you would pay for it" he says kinda chuckling. "What! That's so mean of me though" I said looking down at the wheel. "Oh no trust me, my pleasure 100%" he says back trying to look at me. "Well okay, Thank you" I give him a small smile, I feel bad.

We stopped by my house real fast, "I'm gonna go inside and grab a few things" I say fast and jump out of the car. When I get back to the car Shawn looked real comfortable and is looking down at his phone.
"Sorry if I took long, I tried to sneak around my dad" I laugh. "It's all good"

After getting our room we headed up the elevator. Opening the door to our room was pretty nice obviously not as fancy as the one in Portland. There was only 1 bed but very big bathroom and window. No great view because there isn't much to look at downtown Salem. I already have Shawn as a great view so I was alright.

Sitting on our bed I was just on my phone and so was Shawn. I set my phone down to go get my charger out of my bag, and I got a notification that 'shawnmendes' posted something. I looked up at him after getting the notification, and he smiled.

  "What did you do?" I ask fast. "nothing, but you have me on notification which is cute" he says with a big smirk. I couldn't help but laugh at how dumb I probably look. I pick my phone back up and see he posted a picture of himself that I took when we were hanging out in Portland. "Shawn could I see your phone" I asked nicely. I wanted to see how fast his phone explodes I think it would be so cool. He hands me his phone and I open the app Instagram and it shows he has 1,407 new comments and 26,974 new likes, holy crap. I click on it so I can see them coming in It was inanely cool seeing it from his view seeing all the caring fans.

     I hand his phone back but I am a little shocked. "What's wrong?" He asks and looks down at his phone, "nothing just your fans are amazing" I smile. "Yes I know they are" he smiles wider then me. I look up at the ceiling and next thing I know Shawn grabs my hand and pulls me toward him walking out the door.

We walked out of the hotel and started walking down the street with our hands intertwined, it was a little pass 10:00. We had some talk about the party, then he said "so what's up with that intense Hicky on your neck, how did you get that " he bugged at the question.

"He was just so powerful, but also didn't even realize he gave me a hicky I was to focused on getting away" I said trying to explain. He glanced at me then at the ground. "What's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing... just wish you could be mine" he says looking me in the eyes now. A smile takes over my face "I just couldn't do that to you, leave you for long periods of time on tour" he added which he looked kinda upset.

   "Shawn I would never mind that, ever, being yours would be the best thing that could happen to me" I looked up at him giving him a smile. "I'll keep that in mind, but for now do you want to get some desert" he says.

"Hell yes" I yell, he doesn't know it yet but I'm a freak when it comes to sweets. "There is a frozen yogurt place around the corner, wanna go?" I ask, "Yes beautiful."

"Frozation?" I ask a little unsure. It was up the side walk a ways I could just see the glowing blue sign. I couldn't help but think of what Camille said about her wanting to be with me. Knowing she would have the patience to be with me, makes my day.

Getting our toppings on the yogurt was quite difficult not knowing if I want a fruity or chocolate toppings. I chose chocolate just because it looked very good right now. After splitting the bill with Camille we found a table in the corner of the place. She told me she had to be fair so I let her this time. She kept eating these little pink balls that have like a sweet liquid in them and I have absolutely no idea what they are I find them funny.

    "What are those?" I laugh asking a little. "I don't know what they are called but do you want one?" She asks me holding her spoon up. "Sure" I went to put my arm out but she puts the spoon near my mouth and feeds me. I couldn't help but laugh at the feeling of it breaking in my mouth and that she just fed me. She giggled and watched my reaction wanting to see if I liked it obviously. They were interesting, very sweet but yes good. "Like them?" She asks not looking up from her bowl. "Yes actually, thanks for feeding me I needed that" I laughed, shaking my head a little. She laughs and looks out the window spacing off about something. I don't ever want this night to end because tomorrow I actually have to go back because I have the show the day after in Vancouver.

After finishing and laughing over dumb things we continue walking on the road. Not many people were out at this time because it wasn't a very big town definitely not small, but not big. I stopped walking at a corner of a street far from our hotel but I just wanted to hug her. I put my arms around her, her head on my chest I couldn't help but just stand there in silence it was peaceful. Also the feeling I have when I'm with her is insane, Something no one could imagine.

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