That's what I plan to do. Fix things, because I like her.

Jenny's POV

"Styles get tired of you already ?" A girl says from behind me. I snap my head in her direction and see the girl from Friday. "I knew he would. Your just another little fuck toy. You whore." I clench my fists.

"Get out of here Kayla." Liam growls.

"No." I smile. "I can handle this. Okay, you can either walk away now. Or I can drag you outside by your hair and kick your ass. Your choice. I would choose wisely." I smirk.

"As if you would hurt me. I would only catch STDs by you." She laughs. I grab her by her overpriced extensions and pull her outside. The whole cafeteria followed. I throw her to the ground.

"Please do explain how I am a whore. Your the one walking around in shorts that don't even cover your ass. I'm not the one sleeping around for a good fuck. So come on. Explain how I'm the whore and your not." I snap at her.

"Just because Harry got tired of you, doesn't mean you can take it out on me." She hissed standing up. I grabbed her by her hair and smashed my fist into her face. She let out a scream as blood poured from her nose.

"If Harry got tired of anyone it's you." I hiss as Zayn throws me over his shoulder.

"Fucking bitch !" She screamed crying. I squirmed in his grip, attempting to break lose.

"Quit moving." Zayn sighed. "I'll drop you." When I slipped out of his hands, I closed my eyes waiting for the impact. I opened one eye when it never came. A pair of green ones looked down at me.

"Let. Go. Of. Me." I said through clenched teeth. I was doing my best not to cry. Harry shook his head firmly and picked me up and kept me in his arms. Despite my demands, and me thrashing around, he carried me all the way to his dorm. "Harold !" I scream when he sets me down. He blocks the door so I couldn't escape.

"We need to talk." Harry said calmly. I shook my head and glared at him.

"There is nothing to talk about." I say reaching for the door knob. "Move." I demand. Harry shakes his head. I was on the verge of tears. "Please." I whisper. Harry wraps his arms around me and that's when I break down.

"Will you please listen to me ?" He asks.

"No ! You broke my heart !" I shout trying to push him away.

"I know baby. I know. I don't know what came over me. It just happened. I didn't mean for it to happen. I am so sorry. Please forgive me." He pleaded. I successfully got out of his hold and slapped him across the face.

"Don't ever talk to me again." I say pulling open the door and rushing down the hall. I can hear Harry calling and running after me, but I choose to ignore him. I bumped into Mr. Styles, who motioned me to come with him. He had a sympathetic smile on his face, but I know I'm in trouble for Kayla. We entered his office and I saw Kayla sitting in front of his desk with a towel to her nose.

"Miss. Parks informed me you hit her ?" He asks. All signs of tears on me are gone.

"Hell yeah I did." I spoke in all honestly. "She provoked me with my period." I tell him. He nods.

"You both have detention for a week." Mr. Styles told us. I nodded and stood up. I opened the door and Harry's lips crashed into mine. My eyes widened in surprise.

"Kiss back." Harry demanded not caring about the other people in the room. I felt him pin me to the door as I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck. I play with his curls as our lips moved in sync. He pulled away and rested his forehead on mine. "I'm so sorry baby. I know that sorry isn't going to make up for what I did, but if you let me, I'm going to spend every waking moment, making it up to you."

"You have a lot of making up to do Styles." I say in a whisper.

"I know." He says nudging my nose with his.

"Well isn't this fantastic. Get the fuck out of the doorway." Kayla hissed pushing past us. I didn't bother moving from Harry's hold.

"Stay with me tonight ?" Harry asked. I nodded and opened my eyes. His eyes were still shut but a smile was still on his face. He opens his eyes and picks me, throwing me over his shoulder.

"Your ass is in my face." I complain as we walk out of his father's office and outside. Harry chuckled, and continued to walk. When we made it to his room he had trouble opening the door. "Liiiiaaaammmm !" I call.

"Open the door !" Harry said after me. The door opened and the first person I could see was Louis. Harry walked in and dropped me on the bed. I moved over so Harry can have some room to lay next to me. I could see everybody relax now that mine and Harry's issue is fixed.

"Harry !" I shrieked as his fingers dug into my sides. He grinned and I glared at him. "I will break your fingers."

"Sure you will." Harry chuckled. He pulled me into him and I laid my head on his chest.

"So I'm just going to ask what were all thinking." Louis started. "Are you guys back together ?"

"We we're never together." Harry reminds them.

"To us you were. Why don't you guys just go out with each other already ?" Sadie groaned.

"He's an ass." I say. Looking up at Harry with a cheeky smile.

"She's obnoxious." Harry shrugged. "That's why I try to interest myself in other things." He attempted to joke about the party incident. My face fell. "I didn't mean for it to sound like that." I got up and headed for the door.

"Dammit Harry." Sidney hissed. While Sadie and Sidney bitched out Harry, Liam came to comfort me. He always does. He is my best guy friend. He pulled me into a hug.

"He is so stupid." I say into his shoulder.

"I know love. Let's go to your dorm, yeah ?" He smiled. I nodded and he placed a hand on the small of my back. I ignored the weird looks as we went to my dorm. "I'm sorry he joked about that. But he didn't mean it."

"I know." I sigh. "It just stung." I plopped down onto Sadie's bed. "What should I do ?"

"Wait for him to apologize." Liam simply said.

"It's not that simple. I'm going to be crawling back to him. We're like magnets. On one side we attract. On the other we push each other away. I simply can't wait, unless I'm guarded in my dorm all week."

"I think you can do it." Liam smiled "I believe in you."


I pulled on a black sleeveless back zipper bandeau high low dress with black heels with studs on the back. I straightened my hair and put on some mascara. "Okay !" I chirp. "Ready for breakfast ! Today is a happy day ! So be happy !"


"Happy !" I tell Sadie. She chuckled and we all linked arms. "Do you think they'll give me cold pizza ?" I ask the girls as we walk out of the girls dorm building.

"No. I tried and got a glare." Sidney sighed. "Cold pizza for breakfast is the best. Oh my god. My mouth is watering just thing about it." Sadie and I laughed at our friend. She is so odd sometimes. When we got to the cafeteria, we got our usual food items and sat down at our usual table. Liam, Zayn, Niall, and Louis were already there waiting for us.

"Hey guys." I smile sitting next to Zayn. I looked around the room for Harry, but he was no where to be seen. Not that I mind. He is probably sleeping, or interesting himself in other things. I hope it's the first one for my sake. My eyes watched the door. Eventually it opened and familiar curls bounced. Harry looked over at my table. His face paled and I saw shame flash.

"Jenny." Zayn said. I know that he knows what I'm looking at. The slutty blonde that came in after Harry. She placed a kiss on his cheek and whispered something to him.

He interested himself in other things.

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