"License and registration." the officer demands

I look through my wallet and dig around and try to find my driver license.

It isn't there.

"Uh.. I lost my license, sir." I say

"Mam, I need you to step out of the vehicle." he says sternly

"It's not like I've been drinking! I haven't gotten my license taken away or anything! I'm an innocent citizen!" I exclaim while being pushed into a cop car

The officer totally ignores me and is talking on his radio. Twenty minutes later a towing truck comes and rides away with my car.

Niall, I'm going to be a tad bit late.

Niall's POV

It's 9:15 and she still hasn't showed up. She was suppose to me home thirty minutes ago but she isn't here.

"Mom, I'm getting worried." I say worriedly

"Niall, I bet she is fine. Probably just some traffic." she says casually

"I hope so." I mumble

After about five minutes of sitting and doing nothing my phone starts to ring and it's from an unknown number.

"Hello?" I say into the phone

"Uh, hey it's Alex.." she says sheepishly

"Where are you? Who's phone are you calling from?" I slightly yell

"Don't get mad at me." she says

"Why would I get mad?" I ask

"Well, I'm sort of at the police station.." she trails off

"For what?" I ask curiously

I hear a deep voice behind her telling her that time's up.

"Just bring bond money and hurry!" she says and the phone call ends

"Greg, I need to use your car." I say and pick up his keys

"Why can't you just use-" he begins but I cut him off

"See you later." I say and run out the door

I pull out of the drive way and zoom out of the neighborhood. What the hell could she have gotten arrested for? Minutes later I'm at the police station. I bust through the doors and I can't find Alex.

"Where's Alex Carter?" I ask a random officer

"She's right over there in that holding cell. You need to talk to the officer that arrested her."

She's in a black and white jail suit sitting down in a cell with other people that have been arrested. When she sees me her eyes light up and she stands up her position.

"I'm really liking your outfit." I joke

"I hate this a lot." she lightly laughs

"What did you get arrested for?" I ask

"Driving without a license." A deep voice that's behind me says

I divert my attention to the tall officer.

"Your record is clear except from this incident. You'll be free to go in a few hours and when your bond is paid." The officer informs us

"How much is the bond?" I ask

"Three hundred." The officer says


I swear, officers just like to arrest innocent people so that they can get paid.

"Write a check to the police department and after Miss. Carter is cleared she is free to go." the officer says and sips his pepsi

"Where's her car?" I ask

"Down the street at Dan's towing. To get the car back the fee will be a hundred dollars." he says and walks off


"Goodness gracious. You're a lot of work." I laugh and kiss her cheek

She giggles and leans into my chest. We're finally home and it's midnight.

"I'm guessing I'm taking you to get a new ID?" I cock an eyebrow

"You have guessed correctly." She laughs

I help her carry her bags inside and up to my room. She sets them down on the floor but puts two bags on the bed.

"I got you some stuff for the summer." she says and pulls out three pairs of swim shorts

"Thanks, babe." I say and tackle her with kisses

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