C H A P T E R 2 3 ♡

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(A/N: Can you guess what the Binary Code is~?)


Nao's Pov:

"Noona wake up."

"Maybe she's tired Samuel-ssi. Let's give her rest."

"But I wanna hang out with Noona~!"

"I wanna hang out with Noona too~!"

"Me too!"

"Ara, please. Give her time to rest."

"Only for a minute Coups hyung."

"Yah how is she gonna rest for a minute?"

"Jeonghan Hyung jebal?"

"No Dino. You, Samuel, Hoshi and Suengkwan should stop waking her up."

"Jisoo Hyung~!"

"Ani. You heard them. Go now. Give Nao rest."

I groaned and sat up, my head meeting the ceiling again earing a great thud; "OUCHUH!"

"Noona are you okay?!"
"You woke her up!"
"But we just wanna play with her!"

I sighed and looked at the time 9:26 am.

"Its fine you guys. Did you ate yet?" I asked.
"Ani. We were waiting for you to wake up." Mingyu answered.
"No one...cooked?" I guessed.

They looked at each other and shook their heads, earning a slight chuckle from me; "Then, let me freshen up and cook. Wait for me at the kitchen."
"Arraso Eomma #1!" They answered.
"Eomma #1?" I rose a brow.
"Ne, because Jeonghan Hyung is the Eomma #2 because of his now long hair." Dino grinned.
"I see." I answered.
"Suengcheol's the Appa." Wonwoo laughed.
"We agreed to that since he is so affectionate. But! You and him aren't together yet. It's just a resemblance!" Dokyeom grinned.

I chuckled, shooking my head; "Fine fine, go to your places now kids. Umma will be there soon."
"Arraso Eomma #1!" They said in unison.
"Eomma #2 will be incharge while I am gone!' I laughed.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face, dried it and tied my hair. I went to the kitchen and saw them laughing and chatting.

"Yah! Eomma #1 said not to mees up!" Jeonghan scolded.
"Jeonghan let them be." Suengcheol sighed.

I entered and tapped the table; "Now. Who wants food?"
"Food!" They yelled, except Jeonghan including Suengcheol.
"Grow up Seungcheol. Nice work Jeonghan. Behave kids." I laughed.
"Can I call you emma too?" Coups joked, putting an arm around my shoulder.
I pinched his arm that was on my shoulder and he pouted; "Nuh uh."

I continued cooking. After a mean time, I served all the meals and sat at an empty chair between Minghao and Jun.

"Ah, Nao we need to tell you something. To make it easy in our courting for you." Suengcheol blushed.
I was also flustered of course; "T-Tell me a-about it."
"So you can choose easily, every end of the month, you'll have to reject one of us. Don't worry, even if you reject one of us, we can all still be friends." Jeonghan and Joshua smiled.
"Are you sure? I-I don't want to ma-make it hard for all of you." I stuttered.
"Of course Noona." Woozi smiled.
"Every decision involving you, we will always care." Samuel smiled.

I smiled, they really do care...but I don't want to make it hard for them...especially, if I can fall in love for one of them.

"I also have an announcement involving Eonni Kim." I smiled.
"What involves Kim Noona diva?" Suengkwan asked.
"She's getting married at November 14! And I am the Maid of Honor! And I get to sketch their gowns and mine's! And Auntie will sew them!" I smiled.
"So you're telling us Kim Noona was enganged?!" Mingyu grinned happily.
"Mhm." I nodded.
"And you'll be stressed out again about the sketching." Hoshi and Minghao said in unison.

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