C H A P T E R 4 3 ♡

964 27 4

Nao's Pov;

I was dancing to my song and practicing it. It was a bit EDM.

I do anything I can to finish my steps by today but it was hard, luckily, Hoshi and the other performance team were there, also our other choreographer.

"Let's continue this later. Let's go practice our song, Jam Jam." I said.
Hoshi looked at me; "Are you sure? Probably everything is a burden for you."
"Nothing is a burden Hoshi-ah. Bruden is what you regret having for. And I don't." I chuckled.

Jun played the song and we started out dance. Some of the steps were now different and some didn't changed a big since we already danced some part of this song in our live show in one of our episodes in SEVENTEEN Project.

"And we're done!" Hoshi grinned and sweat brimmed his neck and forehead.
I threw a towel at him and he caught it; "Wipe your sweat." And threw more towels at Dino, The8 and Jun.
"Awww she cares for me~!" Hoshi cheered.
I rolled my eyes; "Yah, I care for all of you don't be selfish."
"Noona, I already called the others..." Dino mumbled quietly.

Right...today was Rejection Day...

"I was wondering, I though rejection day is always on the end of the month?" The8 asked.
"Coups hyung insisted that Noona can reject us anytime. Just like today, she said. Then next month again. Then again and again." Hoshi pouted,
I chuckled; "Guys...even if I reject you, you're still my friends. My fellow brothers. Not in blood, but in heart."
"You're right noona." Dino smiled.
Jun smiled too; "Even if you reject me, I'll try to be the best friend and brother you already have!"
"Good thing my brother isn't really here." I laughed; "And Jun, you already are."

Then, all the members were all in the practice room. Encircling me while we all sat.

"This is somehwhat like a ritual." Seokmin laughed.
Seungkwan nodded; "It does look like a ritual hyung."
Then Seokmin pretend to be possesed and talked with his deep voice; "Yah, Nao Noona don't reject Seokmin-ah."

We all laughed and Woozi spoke in between laughs; "You might get the next rejected one."
"Okay everyone..." I cleared my throat and smiled nervously.

The laughter died down, a serious aura was around the room.

"Wait...before you reject some of us...can we say a messege?" Coups raised his hand.
I thought for a bit and nodded; "Okay."
"Okay me first." Coups grinned; "Oldest to Youngest."

He walked to me and smiled warmly and held my hand. I smiled back and noticed my cheeks heating up.

He chuckled as he started talking; "Nao-ah, I'm very glad to meet a girl like you. Kind and affectionate to be with. You may be a bit bad girl-ish and well good girl-ish, but it doesn't make a reason for me to unlove you. I hope we can still be best friends even if you reject me...S-Saranghae."

I smiled at Coups; "I promise. That even if I reject you...I'll never break my friendship with you."

"Doesn't what noona said is like a clue that she will reject Hyung?" Mingyu grinned.
Coups looked annoyed because his tongue was at the bottom side of his teeth; "Yah! Stop saying things like that!"

Coups sat down and Joshua stood up and looked at me with a warm and loving smiled. This is why our fans love him. He's such a gentleman.

He held my hand gently and smiled as well, smaller than before; "What I want to say is...I hope you don't reject me yet. I want you to feel how much I love you and how much I really care for you. Ever since that day when we were trainees, you helped me open up and I was really happy to approach you. Saranghae."

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