C H A P T E R 7 ♡

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Nao's Pov:

"Here's your order ma'am." I smiled and served the woman her drink and ramyeon.
"Thank you miss." She smiled and handed me her payment.

I smiled back and headed towards the conter to give it to Nu-Lee, our club's president and cashier.

"Here you go Nu-Lee." I smiled and handed him the exact payment of the woman. He smiled and took it; "Thank you Nao. You may take your lunch break. I'll close the cafe later and we'll start again at 1:30 pm okay?"
"Okay, thanks again Nu-Lee." I smiled and took off my apron and placed it on a table.

I walked outside and scared Seungcheol who was waiting for me; "BOO COUPPIE!"
"AH SON OF A COUPPIE!" He shouted, probably startled.
I laughed and clapped my hands in amusement; "Got you Coups."
"Not so funny." He pouted.
"Mianhe Couppie." I giggled.
"It's fine. Now let's go. Seungkwan and the two are waiting for us at the cafeteria already." Suengcheol chuckled.
"Yes sir." I stuck out my tongue and pinched his cheeks really hard and ran; "RACE YOU FIRST!"
"IM CUTTING THAT TONGUE OF YOURS YOU CHILDISH HUMAN BEING!" I heard him say as he ran behind me, probably fatser cause he's taller. Im just 167 cm -3-

I reached the cafeteria and saw Seungkwan and the others, except for Soonyoung. I giggled evilly and crawled slowly behind them and did the same as Seungcheol; "BOO MIDGET, BOO-EUN AND MINGMING!" I screamed.


I laughed at their reactions and clapped my hands again in amusement.

"That wasn't funny Noona!" Seungkwan pouted.
"You're lucky I don't hit girls noona." Jihoon sighed.
"Yah! You're really lucky you're my bestfriend." Ming Hao shivered.
"NANA!" I heard Seungcheol.

"Fine you got me!" I raised my hands.

But not enough, he pinched my cheeks back; "OWWWIIEEE"
"Payback you little--ah language." He mumbled.
"Im sorry you guys." I pouted as I rubbed my cheeks.

They mumbled something as they were looking at me.

"Noona! Nao-Noona!" I heard Hoshi aka: Soonyoung.
"Hoshi! Soonyoungie!" I waved at him.

"WHAT?!" I heard the other 4 exclaimed.

"So these are your bestfriends?" He smiled.
"Mhm. Hey guys introduce yourselves." I smiled.

"I'm Boo Seungkwan! I'm 16 years old!" Suengkwan smiled.
"Choi Seungcheol. I'm 19 years old." Suengcheol offered a hand-shake which Hoshi gladly accepted.
"Nihao. I'm Xu Ming Hao. I'm 15 years old." Ming Hao bowed respectively and
straightened up.
"Noona I thought you were scared of Chinese people?" Soonyoung asked, worriedly.
"Ming Hao's nice. I know he's not like Uncle." I smiled.

Hoshi smiled and introduced his self; "I am Kwon Soonyoung, 18 years old and soon to be called Hoshi in stage!"
"Yeah well....Hoshi kinda entered auditions and got accepted." I mumbled.
"Now me and Noona are the only ones not getting a response." Suengkwan sighed.

Just then, mine and Suengkwan's phone buzzed.

"Who could this be?" We said in unison; "Jinx!""Jinx again!"

I laughed as I checked my phone and squealed.

"What are you squealing about?" Cheolie asked.
"Look!" I said as I showed my phone.

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