C H A P T E R 2 ♡

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Nao's Pov:

"It's already 4:56 pm." I said.
"Sorry Im late kiddos." I heard Umma.
"Umma!" I smiled and hugged her.

She hugged back; "Is he Seungcheol?"

"Yes he is." I smiled.
"Nice to meet your acquaintance, ma'am." Seungcheol bowed.
"Nice to meet you too. Why are you two still on your uniforms? Ayah, go change quickly. I'll wait here." Umma said while doing a 'shoo' sign.

We laughed and I decided to change first.

I tied my hair and washed my face. I dried my face and brushed my teeth, after, placed on red lip gloss and went out.

"Im done." I smiled.

Seungcheol looked at me with mouth agape. He shook his head in reality and changed aswell. Me and mom were both chit-chatting.

~after 5 minutes~

"Im back." He smiled.

I looked at him; A gray shirt, denim jacket, denim pants and brown boots.

"Cool." I chuckled.
"Thanks. You're not bad yourself." He smiled.
"Okay okay stop the chitchat for awhile. Let's go kiddos!" Mom grabbed my hand and Suengchoel's.

I laughed and he chuckled and we headed over to the car.
Mom was driving while singing. Me and Suengcheol were talking random stuffs when mom stopped at a traffic light.

I looked outside while laughing and saw that we were close to the Pledis Entertainment.

"Seriously Im so nervous." I breathed.
"Don't be. It'll be fine I know it." He said, covering up his nervousness.
"You're nervous." I laughed; The car started moving.

We arrived at the Pledis Entertainment and we both went out of the car.

"Good luck kids. Do your best." Mom smiled.
"Thank Umma. I'll go home while taking a taxi, so you don't have to worry. We'll do our best." I smiled.
"Thank you Mrs. Park." Seungcheol smiled.

Mom waved goodbye and drove off. Me and Seungcheol walked inside, going to the information desk.

"Excuse me, where do we find the auditions?" Seungcheol asked.
"Ah, you're gonna find it at the third floor, the Audtion room at room 304." The lady at the desk smiled.
"Thank you." We both said and both walked to the elevator.
"Im so excited yet nervous." I sighed as he pressed the '^' button on the elevator.
"Me too. Im excited to meet new people. Im nervous I won't be able to be accepted." He sighed too.

The elevator door opened and we bothe enter; "who will we meet first neh?" I asked.
"I don't know. I hope their well-behaved and funny." He laughed.

I laughed back while watching the door close. But a hand stopped it.
A boy, probably younger than us panted and walked inside.

"Im really sorry. But I have to go to the auditions." He panted.
"Oh us too." I said.
"Y-You're a girl." He said.
"And?" I rose and eyebrow.
"Nothing. It's just that, I thought they were finding only boys?" He said.
"They updated news. Both boys and girls are allowed." I bit my inner cheek.
"What's your name?" Suengcheol asked the boy.
"I'm Seungkwan. And you two?" He smiled.
"Im Park Min Nao. Please be free to call me Nao." I smiled.
"Im Choi Seungcheol." Suengcheol intoduced himself.
"I know what to call you!" Suengkwan said, elatedly.

The elevator door opened and me, Suengcheol and Suengkwan stepped out and walked towards the Audition room where a lot of people are lined up.

"I'll call you Cheolie!" He said.
"What?! How old are you?!" Cheo---Seungcheol asked.
"Im 16  years old Cheolie!" He beamed.
"I'm 19 years old, so is Nao. So call me Cheolie-Hyung." Seungcheol said.
"So she's a Noona?! I thought she was like 15!" Seungkwan exclaimed.
"Yeah. Yeah." I laughed.

We reached the fornt desk of the audition and got papers to sign up. I got a pen and sat at a desk with the two.

I signed up the papers which contains infos like:

Name: Park Min Nao
Age: 19 years old
School: Seoul University
Birthday: March 29 1995
Relationship status: Single
Gender: Female
Mother's Name: Park Soo Yung
Father's Name: Park Lee Wen
Cellphone Number: 09*********

Do you have a sibling? If no, please leave the next question.
=I have a sibling.
What is your Sibling's name?
Lee Woon, an older brother.

What are your specialties/talents?
=I sketch, I won 3 championships in singing, 4 championships at dancing, I love to cook too. I know how to play the violin and the piano.

Have you entered auditions last year too?
=No. It's my first time.

What do you wanna be called in stage if somehow you have been accpeted in the auditions?


~And many more questions~

"You guys done?" I smiled.
"Yeah. How about you Cheolie-Hyung?" Seungkwan smiled.
"Just call me Hyung you---"
"Seungcheol." I glared.
"Im sorry. Yes Im done." He rolled his eyes.

We passed the papers back to the front desk and they gave us number stickers to stick infront of our clothes. My number is 95092.

I looked at Seungcheol and his number is 95080
I galnced at Seungkwan whose number was 980116

I giggled and we sat at the chairs and chatted when a midget boy sat beside Seungcheol.
His number was 961122.

"Seungcheol hyung there's a midget beside you!" Suengkwan busted out and I covered his mouth.
"Excuse me, were you talking to me?" The midget asked, probably pissed being called a midget.
"M-Mianhe." Seungkwan scratched his nape.
"It's fine. Im Lee Jihoon. 18 years old." He smiled, shrugging off his anger.
"Im Park Min Nao. 19 years old, please call me Nao." I said.
"Im Choi Seungcheol. 19 aswell." Seungcheol smiled.
"And Im Boo Suengkwan! 16 years old!" Seungkwan beamed again.
"Boo-eun Suengkwan." Seungcheol laughed.
"IM NOT SWOLLEN." Seungkwan hitted Cheolie.
"Neh Noona, why did you enter auditions?" Jihoon asked.

"So I can make my Umma and Appa together with my Oppa proud and happy. And to help with the works." I smiled.

He smiled back; "That's thoughtful of you Noona."

"Anything for my family." I smiled.

Me and Jihoon spoke happily while the two fought.
I heard Seungcheol being called.

"Cheolie, it's your turn." I smiled.
"It is? Im so nervous Nao." He sighed.
"It'll be fine. Trust me." I smiled and patted his back.
"Thanks." He standed up and hitted Suengkwan once again; "Good luck to me."
"Good lucky~" I playfully winked.
"Good luck Hyung." Jihhon smiled.
"Good luck Cheolie-Hyung!" Suengkwan grinned.
"Thanks Nao, Jihoon. You too Boo-eun!" He laughed at his remark for Seungkwan and ran towards the room.
"Im not swollen!" Suengkwan roared.

Me and Jihoon laughed hradly that we fell on the floor while Seungkwan pouted.

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