C H A P T E R 1 9 ♥︎♡

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Nao's Pov:

"I'll finish this up tonight....I wanna sketch out something." I said.

I started to grab the same sketch book I used to sketch yesterday. I made it my diary.
In my mind, is a family. The girl was sitting at the living room's carpet infornt of the television, holding a game controler and was grinning. I sketched a little detailed game on the television's screen. I drawed her brother on her side which was playing with her. Her brother was sticking his tongue out while trying to win. Their father was watching them from behind the couch while holding a mug of hot chocolate while their mother was taking a video of them. Adding a few details on the sketch, I closed the book and placed it in it's drawer.
I heard a knock from my door and I yawned; "Who is it?"
"Nao it's me S. Coups. Manager is calling us one by one inside the camera room." He said.
I fixed my desk and shutted down the computer, I grabbed my letters and accidentally break the glass on my table; "SHIT!"

My studio's door barged open and I saw S. Coups' worried look; "A-Are you okay?!"
"Y-Yeah. Just a little accident." I sighed and grabbed a broom.

I swept the shards at the dustpan and threw them to my garbage bin. I picked up the other shards and threw them too.

"I'm all good." I smiled.
He sighed and held my hand; "Let's walk there together."
"At the dance studio." I rolled my eyes.
"Of course. Where else? The charging station?" He rolled his eyes back.

I laughed when he did that. He just looked at me weirdly; "You ate too much candies didn't you?"
"No. I didn't. I just ate one." I lied.

He glared at me and held my chin. I blushed at the startleness; "S-S. Coups."
He smirked and letted go; "Your breath smells strawberry. You ate candies."
"You mischievous Beagle King." I punched his arm.
And he ruffled my hair once again and grinned; "And you're my Queen." He winked and blushed.

I scoffed a little and just walked faster to the studio. I was holding my letters and entered the studio. I saw Wonwoo busy playing games on his Ipad. Samuel, DK, Vernon and Suengkwan were listening to music. Woozi, Joshua and Jeonghan were chit-chatting. The others were doing their personal businesses. I just shrugged and sat at an empty corner and listend to music, my earphones on. I hummed the song "Hole in my Heart; By Lucas Friend"

I started zoning out and remembered the time when I used to just listen to radioes.
I giggled a little and just checked out my messages.

To: Umma
From: NaNa-ssi ★

"Umma open the television and go to Arirang or TVN quick. Something will surprise you, appa and oppa!"

I sended it.

It took 5 minutes for Umma to reply.

To: NaNa-ssi ★
From: Umma

"Okay okay. What was it??? You're making us nervous!"

To: Umma
From: NaNa-ssi ★

"It's a surprise! Just don't change the channel ;3"

I giggled a little when someone took out my earphone.

"Noona, it's your time to go inside the camera room." Woozi smiled
I gulped and took my letters and got up; "Gamsahamndia for telling me Woozi." I smiled.
"It's no problem noona. Do your best. SEVENTEEN Fighting!"
I chuckled; "Fighting SEVENTEEN!"

I started walking towards the camera room and opening the door, I smiled and stepped in the middle of the room.

"Annyeonghaseo Umma, Appa and Oppa. Today's the day where we will thank you, our families, for caring for us as always. Now, it's my turn to thank you. First, Umma. For thanking care of me ever since I was still in her womb." I started, holding my tears back while biting my inner cheek, I unfolded Mom's letter and began reading it; "Dear Umma,
How are you? I already missed you so much right now. I don't have my Umma-ah here with me. I miss your voice in every single day.
The way we fight at small things but we make up by ice cream cakes. Haha, Red Velvet much? Well, I miss you more Umma.
I miss you taking care of me when I have a fever. I miss your hugs and our window shoppings sometimes. I know you're busy right now, but please make time to hear me out.
Umma, you were my first bestfriend in my life. Before my teddy bear, Soonyoung or Suengcheol. You had carried me in your face womb for 9 months and cared me. When you gave birth to me, I never felt such heaven when I am at your arms. I wish we could see each other again. To see your smiles, your laughter and everything.
Neol Saranghae Umma. I love you so much. I love you more than I love the stars and my dreams. I love you even if I have my own family.
Stay healthy and take care Umma.
Your daughter who loves you so much,
Park Min Nao" I smiled, tearing up a little.

"Was it alright Umma?" I chuckled; "Now for Appa's letter. Now Appa, you're not gonna cry are you?"

"Dear Appa,
Appa, How are you? Are you still busy? I miss our video game bondings. I miss your fights with Oppa. I remember when you hitted Oppa with the game controller when you lose.
I laughed so hard.
Umma then hitted you both with the spatula on the head.
You would glare at me and I would gulp and ran as you chase me. And when you capture me, you will tickle me so hard. I miss those days. Do you too? Do you miss me appa?
I hope you aren't crying now.
I hope you will hear my message. A simple message to thank you for everything you have done for me, Umma and Oppa.
You always have been working hard for us to be happy.
I know that....even if we are rich nor poor, I will be always happy just to be with all of you.
When I debut, I want you to retire Appa.
I want to be the one to work hard now. To serve you guys.
I love you Appa. You're the best father anyone could have.
Your little gamer;
Park Min Nao" Right now, I was sobbing right now.

I miss them so much....

"Now for you, Oppa. So you would remember me as your best sister in the whole wide universe!" I yelled a litte, grinning while my face was messed up with tears.

"Dear Oppa,
Oppa. I miss you. How are you? Are you taking care of Unnie? Neh take care of him baboya. She will become your wife soon. You two have been together for 3 years strong.
I wish I can have a relationship strong as that.
But don't be worried! I'm not thinking about 'HIM'.
You know who. I moved on.
I will take good care of my self here. Yes I will not still see any boys here....YET.
Haha, I can't help fall inlove Oppa. There will be a chance that I will have someone in my life, the one who would love me and take care of me. The one who would...marry me and cherish our own family.
Oppa, Thank you for everything. For supporting my decisions and for being there for me in every problems I have.
You're the best Oppa! Neol Saranghae Oppa Baboya!
Your Best Sis,
Park Min Nao" i eneded.

I bit my lip to say my last words to the camera, I was sobbing so hard right now. I started hiccuping; "U-Umma, A-Ap-Appa, O-Oppa. I miss you all so so much....I-I wish we can see each other again. At our d-de-deb-debut or-or-or m-my birth-birthday...I-I....S-Saranghae y-you guys. Gamsahamnida for everything. I would do everything t-to make our lives succesful to amke you proud. And to make our group popular. Thank you, Anyo.." I smiled.

I exited the room and it was Woozi's turn, but before her enters, everyone looked at me.

"Nao are you okay?" Jeonghan asked.
"You seem upset and sad." S. Coups held my shoulder.
Wonwoo and Mingyu, who was just tickling each other before, walked towards me; "Noona, tell us what's wrong."

Samuel, DK and Suengkwan hugged me and I just smiled, my face still stained with tears; "Aniya, this is nothing. I will be in my studio. Please call me if its time to practice or if anything happens. I need to finish the designs and edit them in my computer."

They were gonna protest, but I just smiled. I knew they were worried, But I don't want them to be just so worried. I walked to my studio and sat on my chair.

Sighing, I just stared at the family picture I had.

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