Focusing my attention to something, or should I say someone, more important I looked to Vic who was shoving pancakes in his face. I watched in adoration from across the table as the goof ate like he’s been starved of food for three weeks, laughing so myself at how ridiculous he looked.

I can’t even believe this is where we are now, I mean we used to be arch enemies and now I love hi-

Woah, woah, woah. Did I say just what I thought I said? Am really in love with the man sitting across the table from me? I adverted my eyes to him, and just like it always does my heart filled up with that same feeling. I’ve been trying to ignore that feeling, because lately it’s so much stronger than what it has been. Truth is I knew it all along, I was just too afraid to admit it because I don’t want to get hurt. Plus, what if he doesn’t feel the same way? I mean we’ve only been dating for 3 weeks, which makes me question even more if it’s really love that I feel for him. But I guess when you look back at it, we’ve been through a lot together and I’ve had a crush on him since the first couple of days we’ve met, but still. Does that even give me enough time to fall in love with him?

I’m overthinking all of this, the only thing I know is that I like him a lot, and that I’m not telling him how I feel. Not now at least, I think it’s too soon for him, and that he would feel weird about it. I just have to figure out a way to contain my feelings long enough to when I can finally tell him.

“Why are you staring at me?” Vic asked while wiping off some syrup from his face. 

“Huh? Sorry, I was just thinking.” I said.

“Oh is that so? What about?” He asked liked he already knew.

“You.” I said with a wink. Before he could respond I got up and strutted away, going back to the room.

I walked into the room, instantly smelling the smell of sleep and morning breath. I cringed at the smell and went for the little bottle of cologne I carried around with me, spraying it throughout the room. I sniffed the air, enjoying the nice fragrance.

I decided to gather my clothes and head for a shower, but Vic’s voice stopped me before I shut the door. “It smells good in here.”

“Yeah I know, I had to spray some of my cologne because you stuck the room up with your morning breath.” I teased.

“At least I don’t fart in my sleep.”

“Keep it up and I’ll fart on you.”

“That’s fine with me, as long as you take your pants off.” He said with a wink, making me blush.

“Shut up.” I said, going into the bathroom and closing the door.

I walked up to the shower and turned on the water, balancing the hot and cold out to the perfect the degree. Taking off my clothes next, I heard the door swing open and I turned around to be faced with none other than Vic.

“What are you doing?” I said with an exaggerated sigh.

“I have to brush my teeth and stuff.” He said, checking me out a little since I was only in my boxers.

I put my hand on my hip, showing some faux sass. “Like what you see.”

“Mmm, very much.” He said coming over to me, and holding me close while wrapping his arms around the small of my back. He kissed me, and I kissed back, enjoying the closeness I felt to him right now. What I didn’t expect though was for Vic to reach around to my ass and grip it, lifting me up a little when he squeezed it. The action made me gasp into the kiss, to which he chuckled at.

He set me down and kissed me once more, and smiled at me. “You’re too cute.”

“Shut up, you surprised me.” I defended myself, blushing a little.

“Do I have to leave now?” He pouted.

“No,” I said, and watched as his face lit up, “but you have to turn around.” I finished, laughing when his face was set to one of disappointment. I don’t really care if he was in here since there was a curtain, I don’t want him seeing me naked, I’m gross.

After yelling at Vic for turning around while I was changing, I was in and out of the shower, with Vic to follow. We were finally out of the room and waiting for Jesse at twelve just like he said.

Currently though we were on our way to his house, he said he has a surprise for me before we go to Justin’s house.

“What’re you showing me again?” I asked, curious to know since he wouldn’t tell me.

“You’ll see when we get there.” He said. I huffed in annoyance and looked at the window, upset that I couldn’t know yet. Vic saw my annoyed state and laughed at me, and I sent him a death glare.

Five minutes later we arrived at Jesse’s house, and I was jumping out of the car and waiting impatiently to go inside. “Come on.” I whined.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Calm your tits.” Jess teased.

“I don’t even have tits.” I huffed under my breath.

Jesse finally unlocked the door and we all followed in after him up to my room. “Okay, I know this may seem like a sucky surprise, but I wrote two songs for you because I felt bad about when I flipped out on you.”

“You wrote me songs?” I asked, feeling honored that he would do that for me.

“Yeah, sorry if they suck.” He said, picking up his guitar and playing the first one. I immediately related it to me and my habit of pushing him away all the time. He said it was called ‘In Case Of Emergency, Dial 411’, and I actually liked it a lot, it made me feel a little guilty though, but I got over it. It sounded like it came straight from the heart and he really meant every word he sang, and that means the world to me.

The next song was called ‘You Kill Me in a Good Way’ and I liked that one a lot too, if not more. It made me feel like I had a chance to get better and that things will be okay eventually. It made me cry a little, to know that every single thought and note was meant for me and me only, it meant so much to me that I got a little emotional.

By time he was done I was wiping my tears and hugging him for dear life, letting him know how much the songs each meant to me. I was honestly so blessed to have him in my life, I never thought anyone would do something like that for me, it was mind blowing and humbling. “Thank you so much.” I said, still hugging him.

“Anytime Kell.” He said softly, rubbing my back.

“Those were really, really good.” Vic said, obviously impressed with Jesse’s skills at writing music. He was really good and I swear one day he’s gonna make it big. He has the most potential out of all of us boys.

“Thanks man, it means a lot.” He said with a smile.

“We need to play those as a band sometime when we finally form one, those are too great to go unnoticed by people.” I suggested, Jesse’s stuff deserved to be heard by people.

“Maybe one day, but come on let’s go to Justin’s to see what the guys are doing.” Jesse suggested, and with that we were on our way out the door to Justin's house.

You Stole My Heart With Your Diamond Blue Eyes (Kellic)Where stories live. Discover now