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Happy birthday jonathai. 😘😘😘.

Shout out to Littlepinkbeast. You're totally awesome 😘.

Every first school day of the year, our principal called us out for an extremely long assembly. She'd wish us happy new year and ask a lot of silly questions. This year, we'd assembled as usual at the school's multipurpose complex but the look on our principal's face showed that this wasn't our usual extra long assembly meeting.

She wore a tired -and at the same time sad -look on her face. After clearing her throat twice, she began.
"It's very sad that two students of our school have both disappeared. Well,one actually disappeared and one was mysteriously burnt." She closed her eyes as if imagining the scene." Most of you may not know them and at the same time, a good number of you were well acquainted with Amanda Phillips and Mark downs. The police are still investigating the case so you'll be seeing a few of them around".

She continued her sermon on how we should behave 'don't talk to random strangers. Be careful with electrical appliances. Be nice and cooperative with the police '. And the list goes on.

Random strangers. That phrase reminded me of new year.
I turned to look at Dory and she winked at me. She was also thinking what I was thinking.

"That's all for now. You can go back to your classes." Our principal finally said, making me realise I'd zoned out of whatever she was saying.

Sighs of relief were heard from all corners. So I wasn't the only one bored huh?.

I get the fact that she was making good points but that wasn't what I wanted to hear on my first day at school.

"Do you think today will be lecture free?" Dory asked happily beside me.

"I don't know." I said playing with my bracelet. I'd gotten so used to it that the colour change didn't shock me anymore. Today, it was black, matching the long sleeved top I wore. I'd wanted to wear a purple one with an ice cream photo at the front but I saw a little brown stain on it and dropped it. I was always very conscious of stains on my cloth. Even if it was a tiny dot, I feel like it can be seen from Jupiter.

"I hope it is. I don't want to learn on the first day of school. It should be the day we..we..I don't know. Just anything but learn. I'm already tired of everything. " she screamed as she opened the door to the class.

"Well, good morning to you miss. It seems your dream just came true." A man sitting on our teacher's table said.

I knew he wasn't our school teacher because our school teachers sit on chairs or stand or walk around intimidating people who are writing hard tests. Very annoying and frustrating, I know. None has ever sat on the table. And he was also handsome. Very handsome. Center score high school didn't have very handsome male teachers. Sometimes I wonder if they employ our male teachers from an elderly people's home. Okay, I'm exaggerating a bit but some of them might be that old.

"Um, okay. " Dory said pulling me down on a seat on the front row. "Who's that man? " she whispered.

"I don't know."

"You never know anything apart from books." She frowned and looked up at the man again.

"Alright. I believe everyone's here." The man said jumping down from the table. "Now we're going to do something. "

He went round distributing sheets of paper to everyone. So since we can't have lectures, we're having tests. Okay.

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