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Have you ever had a dream that you never wished to wake up from?

Well, I just did. I was at this feast table where lots of food was placed before me. It was like tortoise and the "all of you" story. I wanted it all for myself. But then the host asked me to wait for the eggs to get ready. Those damn eggs took forever to get ready. Just as I saw someone coming in with the last tray, I woke up. I fucking woke up. Some people will say it's no big deal. But walking away -or waking up- from food is a very big deal for me. Wait a minute!

I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It was still there. The tray with the scrambled eggs and bread.   I looked around just to be sure I wasn't dreaming. I was sure, if I saw the other plates or even the large chicken, I'll know I was still dreaming. But I didn't see any of those things. Just the tray of bread and egg. I was alone. Who'd prepare those if not myself?

Adrenaline suddenly kicked in and I jumped out of bed. As I ran out of the room, a lot of thoughts were racing in my mind. Who'd dropped the tray in my room? The witch from snow white trying to poison me? No. That's silly. A burglar?

I immediately stopped in my tracks. If there was a burglar in the house, it wouldn't be wise to run towards him. Except this was a horror movie and I wanted to die.

"I was wondering what time you were actually going to wake up." A voice said from the base of the stairs and I screamed and immediately covered my mouth. That was a foolish thing to do. Screaming. What if the burglar decides to kill me now for making a noise.

"Barbara, are you okay?".

It took me a few seconds to realise what was happening. Sleep and fear had joined forces to make me forget the face and voice of my aunt. Now to think of it, why would a burglar ever make scrambled eggs for the occupants of the house?

"I'm sorry. I guess I was still sleepy."

"I guessed so. You've been asleep since I arrived yesterday. I guessed you were very tired." She walked up the stairs.

"Yesterday? I don't feel like I slept for too long."

"Well, you did. I was just preparing tea when I heard your footsteps. I guess you've seen the eggs I kept for you." I nodded. "Good. Go brush and get ready for school." I nodded again and turned back to my room then stopped at the door.

"Aunt Marie," she looked up at me. "Welcome back."

Knowing that I wasn't dreaming and I wasn't being attacked, I peacefully had breakfast. Somewhere in the back of my mind, I kept asking myself if the eggs were the same ones to be served in my dream.


"I always knew she was a whore." A short, dark haired girl snickered beside me.

Immediately I walked into school today, I knew there was a new gossip spreading around the school. But what? Now, hearing this girl, I suspected it was a girl they were talking about.

"Yeah. She's always been a whore. I hear it runs in their family." Her friend laughed and then her facial expression turned serious. "But the other one. She's not like that."

"Videos don't lie. People change, you know."

What she said reminded me of Aurora and how she became my friend and enemy in the space of one year. I waited to hear more but it turned out they were done talking so I headed to my class.

I held the door to the computer lab and as I pushed it open, a hand covered mine. I traced the hand to the face of the bearer.

"I know, I know. You'd be shocked." Hailey laughed and let go of my hand. "I just wanted to talk to you."

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now