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Song for this chapter is 'Santa's coming for us' by sia.

"Barbara!." My step mother called from downstairs.

"Yes mother!." I screamed back.

I'd thought they'd have gone out before I even wake up. Reluctantly, I walked down to see what she called me for. I was sure it was just to show off something .
And I was right .

They'd all dressed in their best like they were going to see the queen of England.
Hailey even looked funny with her hair in a pony tail and white gloves that reached her elbows.

"Mother,you called. " I said.

"Yes. We'll be leaving now. Remember what I said yesterday?."

"Yes mother.". I replied quickly, wanting with all my heart for them to just go away and leave me alone.

"Isn't she coming with us?." Hailey asked.

"Family only. " Laney replied rolling her eyes.

"Oh right. I forgot" she said like Laney had reminded her of something important. She knew what she was doing and I wasn't going to fall for it.

I'd passed the stage where stuff like that used to hurt me. I knew my position in this house.
Dad didn't say anything. Maybe he didn't hear, maybe he did. He just waited for them to get into the car and then he drove off.

Immediately his green car was out of sight, I ran back to my room and called Dory.

"Where are they?" Dory asked once she got to my house. I'm sure she was shocked she didn't see my step mother waiting at the door for her like she did the last time she came over. Instead, I was the one dressed up and waiting for her.

"Gone. " I flatly replied as I look at my face one more time in the mirror. I'm sure it's nowhere near perfect as Dory's. She probably grew up with M.A.C as her best friend whereas I rejected every offer aunt Marie made to teach me how to do a perfect make up. I took one more look at my face. To hell with perfect. It's beautiful and that's all that matters

"Great. Let's go. By the way, you look like a celebrity". She commented on my dress.

"A celebrity?" Well, I wasn't expecting that. " You look like a princess." She really did.

"Oh! Then you look like the queen. "

"And you look like a goddess." It had turned into a game.

"And you look like.. I don't know what else to say."

Seeing that she'd lost the game, Dory decided we take selfies.  We ended up taking  both nice and funny ones.

  We ended up taking  both nice and funny ones

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We laughed and got into the car.
There was a man at the driver's seat. Dory explained that he was their emergency driver. He only drove her when her mum was too busy. I didn't want to think much about meeting her mum. I just hoped she was as nice as Dory.

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