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"You slobber in your sleep."  I opened my eyes to Almond's smiling face.

"What? Hell no!" I screamed and rushed for the bathroom, almost tripping on the way. I looked into the dusty mirror and saw nothing. Wiping it a bit with my palm, I looked again. Nothing. Just the face of a tired girl looking back at me.

I marched back to the room and threw a pillow at him.

"Why did you scare me?"

"Drooling scares you?" He laughed, catching it and placing it back on the bed.

"No, idiot. Knowing someone watched me drooling scared me. It's embarrassing." I yawned. Somehow I still felt tired. "What time is it?"

"Lat time I checked, it was eight thirty." He picked up a plate I hadn't seen before. "I wanted you to have a nice sleep so I had breakfast before you. I can get you some if you're hungry though."

"Eight thirty?" I sat up and wiped my eyes.

"Didn't you hear anything I said?" He walked towards what I believed was the kitchen. How big was this place anyway?

"You should have woken me up." I shouted. "How am I going to explain my leaving the house to my stepmother? You know I can't just tell her I jumped through the window."

"You jump back in."

"Are you crazy?" I stood up and walked to the kitchen. "How do you expect me to jump all the way up there? And how... What are you doing?"

This kitchen was no kitchen at all. Okay maybe it looked like a kitchen but I couldn't find any stove or gas or cupboards. Just a very tall fridge and the right corner and a few plates and a microwave on the counter. There wasn't even a sink.

"Preparing breakfast." He turned to open the fridge. "Orange, apple or peach?"

"What?" I was still looking at the kitchen.

"Juice. Orange, apple or peach?"

"Orange. Where's the sink? At least this person should have a sink."

"I don't like doing the dishes so I didn't see any need for that."

"Wait a minute! I thought you said you didn't know who built it." I asked him quizzically.

"I don't. I just know my father had them build it for me." He brought out two glasses from the fridge.

"So the silent house is yours. Why so quiet though?"

"My aunt who just gave birth decided to come spend some time here. Everyone has to be quiet when the baby's asleep and she's sensitive to bright lights. She wakes up if you turn on the lights in the night."

"And the bike?"

"Her seven year old daughter."

"Oh. Wow."

"Are you going to eat now?" He placed the glasses in a tray and a plate of chocolate chipped cookies.

"Yeah." I stepped back so as to let him pass with the tray.

"So what are you going to tell them?"

"I honestly don't know." I looked out of the car window.

I didn't notice the drive was very long yesterday but I think we've been on the road for about twenty minutes now.

"I can go in with you. Talk to them."

"Are you crazy? I sneak out of the house at night and then return with a boy and they're just going to listen to you and say okay." I rolled my eyes at him. "It's better I go in alone."

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now