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Its been two weeks since Amanda's disappearance and even I also worried about her. Her parents had stopped coming to school. Only the principal continued to visit the class and ask if anyone had heard from her.
Apart from that, school seemed pretty normal.

Today, our school is hosting a friendly football match. It's between Centerscore high and Oakwood high.

"You're going right?". Dory placed an arm on my shoulder.


"The stadium of course." She slightly squealed.

"Oh. No. I'm not. You see I have.."

"Nothing to do so you're coming with me." She smiled. "When you have an opportunity to have fun, grab it. Opportunity comes but once you know."

"Alright. But we'll have to go early. I don't want to have to walk past a lot of people when looking for an empty seat."

"That's fine. I already got us tickets with a very comfortable spot where you can watch the game without being noticed. That's what you want right?".

I turned to look at her "Is that what you want?". She shook her head. "We'll sit wherever you want." I smiled.

"Great!. There's a fantastic spot in front where we get to see Eric in 3-D." She squealed. "I think I can get them to change our seats.

"Who's Eric?" I said, confused.

She gasped." You don't know him?. Girl I'm meant to be the new girl here and I know him. He's a senior, star striker, football captain, super hot." She said dreamily.

"Fuck boy". I said absent mindedly.

"Because he's hot and popular doesn't automatically make him a fuck boy." She crossed her arms and frowned.

"Alright alright. Let's go see this popular guy I have never heard of". I said raising my hands in defeat.

It didn't take long for me to notice him. Well,every girl was screaming his name. Even my best friend.
He matched the fuck boy description. Perfect hair, tall,nice body -which I wouldn't have noticed if he didn't take off his shirt and wave it after scoring the first goal -, killer smile -again, I only noticed it because he kept smiling at the cheerleaders who sat directly in front of Dory and I.

"Isn't he perfect?" Dory hugged me.

"I think you've been watching too much romance movies lately." I said, trying to squeeze out of her tight grip. "Can't breathe".

"Shut up." She hit my head playfully.

"Hey! Stop moving your arms like a walrus. People are trying to watch a match here." Someone said behind me. I think Dory's hand had obstructed her view.

"Yeah. And I'm trying to find the secret door to narnia" Dory retorted.

"I was about to say sorry to her". After all, we were the ones in front.

"No. You won't say sorry. You'll sit here, talk and laugh." Dory said.

"Yes mum". I laughed.

"Good girl." She patted my head playfully.

The game ended 3-0. Guess who scored all three goals? Yup. Eric. It was like every other player on the team was scared to kick the ball into the goal post. Well, that's none of my business.

The cheerleaders came up to dance and I think they were purposely flashing their asses at the players. Oh well.

"Now its over, can we go?." I asked Dory. No reply.

"Dory, I'm tired of sitting here so can we go now?". Still no reply.

I turned. She wasn't sitting beside me. That only meant she must be somewhere fangirling.

I sighed. She wasn't meant to stick to me like a Siamese so I'm alright with that.

I walked up to the juice stand.
"A cup of orange juice please".

"It's free if you agree to go on a date with me." The boy selling the juice winked at me.

"Sorry, I already have four dates booked." I lied. I've never been on a date with someone before.

"Your loss." He said and gave me the glass.

I paid for the drink and turned to begin the search for my best friend. When I bumped into someone's chest. Someone's well defined chest. And spilled my drink on him.

"Are you blind?"

"I'm so sorry" I hurriedly replied.

"Save it. There's no need for that. I won't be wearing this shirt again anyway.  Just be less stupid next time"

And I raised my head to  look at him. Eric. I should have guessed. I forgot to add one more word when I was analyzing him. Proud. 

"Stupid? It was an accident. And I even apologised."

"Hey little girl, just move away." A dark haired boy said coming up from behind Eric.
"Come on man,you shouldn't waste your time on nobodies. Let's just go." He said as he sized me up.

I wanted to tell him I wasn't a nobody and I wish he could be a nobody to know what a nobody really is but someone beat me to it.

"She isn't a nobody." Dory finally came back from wherever it was she had gone to.

A large crowd had already formed.

"Doesn't matter." Eric waved his hands and walked out with his bodyguards.

"I'm so sorry I left you". Dory said once we'd left the stadium.

"Its not your fault." It was bound to happen sometime. The day I spend a single day in school without any drama,squirrels will fly. They already fly, idiot. They don't.

"It is my fault. And please don't get any wrong ideas about Eric. He's actually nice. Maybe he's just stressed out or something."

"Really? You're still defending him. I get it you like him. I'm not against it. But he's not nice. I've met nice people and I know when someone's not nice okay."

"Chocolate." She said suddenly changing the topic.


"Let's go get chocolate and forget about this".

"Alright".  I can be bought with chocolates.

Commit murder and I promise I won't tell as long as you supply me a box of chocolates daily. No. I'll secretly report you while I continue to enjoy the delicious treats. That makes you an accessory.
Ugh! I just love chocolates.

Who else loves chocolates?🙌🙌🙌

Don't forget to vote,comment and share.😘😘

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