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It was getting really hard for me to ignore the loud banging on my door and the shouts that followed. I'd been sitting on my bed for a lonh time, pretending I couldn't hear a thing, but my head had started to ache.

I sighed as I dragged myself off the bed and went to open the door.

On opening it, I saw my stepmother's confused look but I paid no attention to it. She gave a weak smile before she cleared her throat

"I need you to get a few things from the grocery store for me."

"Okay. Give me a few minutes to change." I yawned and went to search my wardrobe

"It's no problem." She said making me look up sharply. No problem? This was so not my stepmother. I'd expected her to ask me to hurry up or say something mean but she didn't.

I put on the first thing I touched which was a simple green dress with purple flower patterns. It looked more like something I'd wear to sit at home but it was still early in the morning and I didn't care.

I took the list and the money from her and rushed out of the house.

I came back only to realise with shock that it was Monday and the time was seven forty five. She knew. She knew I'd woken up late and decided to use it to her advantage.

I'd wondered why I saw a school bus when I was crossing the road but didn't pay much attention to it. Or why I wasn't hearing Hailey and Laney's voices. They'd gone to school that's why.

I would have stayed back at home if I didn't remember my English assignment that was sitting on my table. It was to be submitted today and not later. I sighed and rushed into the bathroom, consoling myself with the saying : better late than never.

Well, I was very late. It was eight fifty seven and I was standing outside my class, I could already hear our maths teacher talking about equations. Three minutes more and the class would be over. Missing the class wasn't my fear. My fear was not getting a seat for the next class.

We didn't have assigned seats here at center score, everyone could sit where they liked. Or on any available seat. That was the reason I always tried to go early to class; so I could sit by the window.

I was still walking about when the door opened and she rushed out. I walked into the class and scanned the seats from the door. Sure, there were available seats but none of them were by the window.  There was one beside a girl with purple hair who had earpiece on, there was one beside the boy who'd made me trip on the first day of school and there was one right at the back of the class. Beside the short girl who'd been rude to me on Friday.

I loved sitting at the back but I chose to sit beside the girl with the earpiece because I was sure she'd ignore me.

Just as I dropped my bag on the table, Mr Roger, our biology teacher walked in.

"Good morning class."

Everyone muttered something. Some said good morning, some said some things that sounded like a foreign language. He nodded at them all and brought out a blue marker from his pockets and wrote on the board.


This of course, caused a lot of commotion amongst the students. But Mr Roger was already distributing papers round the class.

"I've noticed that you people normally copy each others work so I've decided to do something different." He dropped a sheet on my table. "This time around, all of you get just one question. One question, but none of you have the same question."

Colours Of The Dark (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now