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I woke up and stared at the pink and white wall for about a minute. The lights flickered, making me blink twice to adjust my vision .
Wait! pink walls?. My walls were plain white and not pink and white with flowery designs.
Where am I ?

   I turned and my eyes landed on a sleeping figure beside me. Ok,this is getting strange. I've been sleeping alone for the past one year.
I tapped this sleeping person.

"Go back to sleep. It's still too early. " she said. Sleep very evident in her voice.

I looked at the face of this person and only then did I fully wake up and realise I was in Dory's house,on Dory's bed.
And then I remembered something more important.

"Dory, wake up. I need to go now!".I said ,tapping her.
She just murmured inaudible words and pushed my hands away.

I stood up and went to check my phone. No messages yet. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing.

I picked up the bag beside the wardrobe. It was the bag Dory had put my things into last night.
I checked inside to make sure everything was there and left the room bumping into Mrs lance.

"It's just 6:40 am and you're leaving?. Won't you at least stay for breakfast?. You need it. All those health books say you mustn't miss breakfast for anything." She said pushing me back into the room.  Health books? The way she'd said it made it seem like she's obsessed with health.

"I really have to go now. I'll eat when I get home. Thanks for everything and I promise I'll visit soon. " I hurriedly said trying to leave.

"You're leaving already?" Dory rubbed her eyes.

"Yes Dory. I'm leaving."

"Dory?" Her mother laughed. "She calls you Dory like the fish. Wow!. So what do you call her? Nemo?".

"No mum." It was Dory's turn to laugh. "I call her Barbie. You know,since her name's Barbara."

" Barbara, that's a pretty name. So Barbie, would you please stay for breakfast?. I promise I'll personally take you home when you're done."

"Alright." How could I say no to that.


And she kept to her promise. At exactly 10:00am,we arrived at my house.
I was surprised to find it locked. Just as I'd left it.

"Since no one's home you're safe right?". Dory's mum asked.

"Yes." I replied. How did she know what I was thinking?. Dory must have told her.

"Alright then. I'll be going. Remember your promise". She said as she got into her car.

"Yes I will. Bye". I waved at her till the car disappeared down the road.

I opened the door and walked into the empty house.
Empty house meant there was no body to scream at me for not coming back home yesterday.  Empty house meant it was just me and the peaceful silence. Even if it was for a short while.

I walked straight to my room and dropped the bag on my bed. I took out my phone to check if there were any messages from Dory. There was one. But not from Dory.  It was from my step mother.

The evil queen: Make sure the house is thoroughly cleaned before we get back. And cook something nice for dinner. Your father is bringing home an important guest and after dinner they're signing a business deal so everything has to be perfect for your dear daddy.

Great. They have an important guest and decide I'm the best house keeper. Why can't she cook to help her husband?.

Or did she purposely ask me to do all that so when things get out of hand I'd be to blame?.

I quickly took out my phone to call my only friend.

"Hello!." She answered before I even realized it has started ringing. This girl was too good.

"Um Dory,can you come over?". I asked not sure she'd say yes because she'd been very sleepy when I left her.

"Yeah sure. What's up?". Oh thank heavens.

"I really, really need your help. " I said and told her about the text.

"It might be genuine and it might not. I don't really know your step mother but I know she shouldn't be trusted." She said.

"You're right."
She hung up and I slumped back on the bed.
Memories of yesterday brought a smile on my face. I'd felt so at home than I ever did in my own house. Her parents had been more of a parent figure than mine. I wondered if things could have been different if my mum was around.


Dory and I  had managed to sweep, mop and dust before we heard a knock on the door.

"It must be them." I sighed. And dropped the rag I was holding.

"Wait! The visitor is coming with them and we haven't prepared any food yet!" She gasped.

"Oh my God!  I'm doomed " I said running into the kitchen.

"Just try to make something fast and hope it's good. I'll keep them busy. " she said going  to open the door.

I'd been tapping the cabinet with a spoon still thinking of what to do when Dory walked in and dragged the spoon I was holding, throwing it to the ground.

"It was all a lie. You're here worrying yourself and they're out there laughing at how stressed up you are." She fumed.

"What do you mean?". I frowned, confused.

"What I mean is there's no visitor. There never was. She made it all up. "

"So we did all this for nothing?" I still couldn't believe it.

"Yes we did."

"First they left me alone for Christmas now this. Why?"

"You shouldn't be thinking about that now. You'll only stress yourself more and add to their happiness."

"So what do I do?" I asked. 

"Follow me. We're leaving this boring place and going to have fun. They can sit here hungry and eat all their laughs". She said, dragging me out of the kitchen.

I don't know what I'd have done without her.
I know,you'd still be in that kitchen, thinking till you faint.

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