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Song for this chapter - Shawn Mendes - a little too much. Please play it as you read.

It was hard.
It was really hard pretending I didn't see her. We'd both stolen glances at each other in physics class and it'd always ended up with her rolling her eyes and looking down at her phone. I wonder who's she's texting. Dumb ass Eric. That's who.

But I couldn't talk to her. I couldn't tell her that her boyfriend was the one who set me up because it would be adding insult to injury. I just wished I had someone to talk to.

I'd wanted to call Cameron but I'd dismissed the thought as quickly as it came. Why would he believe me? Eric is his cousin.

I had no choice but to pretend to be fascinated by my bracelet which was a rainbow colour -although it was blue some hours ago - complementing my flower pattered top I'd worn with blue jean.

Looking down at my jean took me back to early this morning when aunt Marie had insisted I put on blue pumps to make the outfit look hot. I had to remind her twice that I was going to school and not a party. She'd just shrugged and told me to at least put on mascara. I did. So I could just leave the house in peace.

I'd only spent one night with her and I was already used to everything around the house like I'd lived there my whole life.

Just one day. In just a day, three significant things had happened to me. I'd finally moved away from the devil and her descendants, I'd moved into paradise and then I'd lost my best friend.

I looked at her again and caught her staring at me. This time, she gave me an evil glare before she turned away.

I could feel those stupid tears threaten to fall and I wasn't going to let it happen. Well, I tried my best. My stupid eyes just had to move to the door and transfix themselves on the reason for my loss and sadness. He gave me a victorious smile and a wink before walking in to sit beside his girlfriend.

A good Samaritan handed me a box of tissue just as my eyes began to water again.
"Thank..you." I managed to make my voice not sound broken. What's the point? This person already saw me crying.

"You up for ice cream?".

"Cameron!". I've never been much happier to hear that voice. I turned to face him.

"My bad. I mistook you for a friend of mine. I'm sorry. She's not this ugly." He took a step back.

"Ugly?" I blew my nose into the tissue.

"Yeah. You should look at you. You're so ugly when you cry."

I felt my lips involuntarily curve into a smile.

"There." Satisfied, he smiled. "Hey Barbara, how are you?. Scratch that. Care for some ice cream?"

"School's not over yet Cam..." I frowned at him.

"That's why I got us chocolates while we wait for the stupid bell to ring. He said as he opened his bag.

"Do you believe them? Do you think I did it?" I said before taking another bite of the chocolate bar.

He shook his head. "Nope. And I'm not saying it to make you feel better. Anyone who looked closely at the video would see that you didn't have that seductive fuck-me look in your eyes. Instead, you looked worried just as you'd looked back in class. I'm guessing it was some period shit. It's very obvious that video's edited."

"I wonder. Just why can't she see this. She's meant to be my best friend. "

"Babe,that girl is whipped. I know Eric's my cousin and shit but he's an asshole. The problem is that he has witnesses and that makes it hard to.. Why are you laughing?" His brows creased. 

"Nothing. It's just... I've never heard you curse. It sounds so strange. And funny."

"It's great you can laugh while I'm hurt." I didn't notice when dory walked up to us. "I'm supposed to be your best friend." Her voice cracked.

"Yes, you are. Supposed to be her best friend, I mean. Instead you're acting all bitchy and blaming her for shit that isn't real." Cameron cut in and I had to stop myself from laughing. What has come over this boy?

"I see. She told you and you believed her. Did you watch that video?"

"Dory, there is this thing called Photoshop!" I shouted and thanked God we were the only ones in the class. Eric had gone out.

"Photoshop." She said slowly. As if she was thinking about it. "Fine. And the witnesses? And Eric, he told me. Barbara, I can't believe..."

That's it. "You just did it again. You called me Barbara again. And whatever your crazy boyfriend's told you are all lies. Not like you'd believe me anyway. It makes me wonder if you only became my best friend out of pity. Because it seems like it. The poor,depressed girl who needed a friend because she was going through a lot of problems at home. Well guess what,I'm no longer that girl, Dory. While your boyfriend was feeding you shit,my life was changing. So if you were my friend out of pity, thanks a lot but I don't need it anymore. I'm fine now. " I let out a deep breath I didn't know I was holding and walked away.

I think she'd looked at Cameron, hoping for support because I heard him say,"sorry, I'm going with her. She needs someone now and seeing that you're too blinded by your ass of a boyfriend, excuse me while I go and be that someone."

It made me smile. Knowing that at least someone was going to stand up for me. At the same time, it hurt me to see what stupid love had done to my best friend. Now, I didn't need a reminder as to why I didn't do love.

There's a dirty game of dare going on opposite my room and I'm trying my best not to be a peeping tom. Believe me, it's hard. Especially when you hear those screams of excitement.

Have you ever had a fight with your best friend? How did you resolve the issue.

PS  please don't hate dory.

Don't forget to vote,comment and share😘😘.

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