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"Thank you, Dory." I said eating my coconut and cheesecake flavored ice cream. We'd gone to an amusement park and were seated on a bench under a tree with beautiful pink flowers. There was an ice cream stand very close to where we were seated so it was easy to purchase as many cups as we wanted. This was my second cup but Dory was on her third.

"For? No one would leave her friend in that kind of situation. You needed saving." She said eating hers.

"Thank you for saving me then. Really,I'm glad you forced me to be your friend that day". I laugh

"I'm glad too. You're not like the other girls in school who wanted to be my friend just because of my family's wealth and popularity. I mean, you didn't want to come over to my house cause you feared being exposed to the public". She took another spoon and stopped to check her phone.

" Dory? "

"Hmm?" She replied as she continued to smile at whatever was on her screen.

"Is that Eric?" Do you need a soothsayer to answer that?.

"Yes." Her smile grew wider.

"So am I going to be third wheeling anytime soon." I said more like a statement than a question.

She dropped her phone and turned to me."I know how frustrating and annoying it is." She smiled weakly." Even if we do date,it'll be after school hours after I've spent time with you"

"So you are going to date him." Stop being a bitch.  But I couldn't help it. I didn't like him and I saw the way he looked at me. Like filth.

"Barbie,you worry too much. Just eat your ice cream and be happy."
'For now' she forgot to add.

"You know what, I'll give you two scoops of any flavor of your choice for free. I love  friendships like this " the ice cream man suddenly said.
He's been eavesdropping! Well, he's forgiven. I love free food.

"Thank you " we both said as he gave us our cups.

"Merry Christmas". He smiled

"Christmas was yesterday. " I replied.

"Christmas is the season silly." Dory said as she stole a spoon of ice cream from my cup." Coconut is nice too." She'd been eating only chocolates and cheesecake flavours.

"Ice cream thief"

"Its the season of sharing" she laughed and tried to steal another spoon.

"Hey! Why don't we just exchange " I said and took her cup, giving her mine. Problem solved.

"Barbie,can I ask you a question?. Wait! Promise me you won't get mad". She suddenly got serious.

" I promise. " I said, wondering what she wanted to ask. I hope it wasn't anything about her soon to be boyfriend.

'Is umm.. Is your dad like... Is he your real dad?" She bit her lip.

There was a time when I used to think that too.

"Yes. He is ."

"So what about your mum? Is she dead?".

"No" I smiled weakly. "From what I've heard, she's a business woman who had an affair with my dad and got pregnant. He asked her to keep it  because he didn't like the idea of abortion but she didn't want it. Finally, she gave birth to me and dumped me with my dad and step mum who had twins who were a year old. I don't know why he went to cheat though. I would have peacefully been born into another family. A better family."

"Who told you this?" She asked, trying to understand my summary.

"My step mother. "

"Oh." She said as if she didn't believe the story.

"You asked because of the way my dad behaves right?"


"He does whatever Laney and her mother wants."

"And Hailey ?."

"I feel like She's forced to hate me. It wasn't this bad before. I always knew they were my step family but they were nice. My step mother acted funny sometimes but Laney and Hailey were always there for me. They'd support me and get my Dad to do things for me. But my step mother finally found a way to poison their hearts.
I don't care about that now and.. Dory don't you dare cry. That mascara costs a lot"

She smiled at me and then smiled even more at something behind me.
I turned around.
Someone. Make that two someones. One. Ugh.. That other guy should stop moving in a zigzag manner. I'm trying to count.

So it's one person coming our way. I'll give you three seconds to gu...

"Hey Eric". Dory smiled.

"Hey!" He said and turned to me.

I immediately stood up to give them privacy.

"Oh no. I actually came to apologise to you." He said, dragging me back down.

"Really?" I was shocked. He didn't seem like one to apologise or did Dory force him to?.
I smiled and then frowned " you're a week late."

"Yeah. I'm really sorry about what happened that day. I was exhausted and I didn't know you were Rory's friend. "

"Best friend". She corrected.

He sounded like he was apologising because of Dory.

"Apology accepted. " I smiled. It was a fake one. Just like his apology.

"Um Rory,I'll call you later". He said sounding a bit uncomfortable.

"See.. I told you he was nice. " Dory said immediately he left.

"Yeah, yeah.". Nice indeed. I've lived with pretenders long enough to know every skill. Well,almost every skill.

"Its almost 9. I need to be home before 10pm." She said picking up her bag.

"Curfew?". I said, a bit surprised she had curfew. I'd always imagined rich kids to be wild and have an 'I don't care' attitude. But Dory had proved me wrong. She was like any other normal teen.

"Yeah. I'll drop you off and make sure you're safe before I head home". She said as she brought out her bag to call the emergency driver.

"Thanks babe."

"You owe me one."


"You're spending new year's eve at my house. No buts".

"You know I'll love  to be out of that house at any opportunity I get.  I'm more than glad to spend new year's eve at your house."

Now, I just needed a way to leave without them knowing where I was going.

I'd escaped Christmas because they'd also gone out. But I knew they were spending new year's eve in the house. It was a yearly tradition. We'll take out all the curtains and burn them. Hang up new ones for the new year, rearrange everything in the house so by the next morning, everything seems new.

I used to enjoy doing it because we'd do it as a family. But last year was different. They'd done everything themselves and I was only allowed to rearrange things in my room.

I didn't want to stay and suffer isolation this year. I had to find a way to go to Dory's.

What's your favorite ice cream flavour?

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