Twenty Seven - Barnyard Blues

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Bailey's POV

It's been a couple days of cuddling up with Daryl in the tent, now we are both up and walking around.

Of course with Daryl healing faster than me. But most of the claw marks are scabbed over or are fresh scars. Nothing I didn't already have.

Right now I am sitting with my favorite celestial creature. Castiel. We are just sitting and talking. He's telling me about how much me and Derek have missed. He's telling me how after Charlie died and I got amnesia that Dean went crazy. That they had a new enemy.

Her name was Amara. She was before called the darkness. He told me how Dean had become attached to her. How when Dean killed death, that's right Dean killed the Death. That Rowena, Crowelys mother cast a spell to remove the mark of Cain. The mark disappeared from Dean's arm but subsequently released Amara.

He also told me that this is how they figured out that Chuck was god.  Apparently Amara is God's sister. And his equal opposite.

Turns out they had a disagreement and she wanted to get back at him for locking her away. Dean got them to make up. And they left to have some brother sister bonding.

Then the whole spat of Mary Winchester coming back to life. That's Sam and Dean's mom. Then he proceeds to tell me of the British men of letters. How a women from there had caught and tortured Sammy. Then he proceeds to tell me about how they eventually went onto the men of letters side and they dubble crossed them.

He also told me about how he was possessed by Lucifer for a while. Then how he ejected him. Then he told me about Lucifer possessing the president and impregenating his assistant. The nephilem named Jack was the son of Satan. Or as Dean called him Anti-Christ.

That's all Cass had told me so I take a second to process it.

As I process this information, Carol hands me a warm plate of eggs and what looks like squirrel bacon. All I know is that it smells great.

And it tastes even better. It's been a while since we could enjoy fresh eggs. I mean we had the powdered eggs at the CDC But, it's not the same.

Carol is now topping Daryls plate off. I hear a crunching a little ways from me. I look to my side and see Glenn. He is nervously fiddling with his hat.

"Guys- guys. Hey, guys. So... so there are walkers in the barn." He says.

What?! What does he mean walkers in the barn?!?!


We are all now standing in front of you guessed it, the barn. Shane is pacing the front of it.

Him and Rick get into a verbal fight. I walk towards them. Right up to Shane.

I push him. "You need to stop yelling and fighting about everything. Literally anything that happens around you, you just go in guns a blazing if it's not something you planned. Now why don't you go twiddle your thumbs when the adults have a civilized conversation." I say to him in an angry tone.

He looks at me. His face is a competition of anger and impressed.

" You know. Why don't ya just go back to your useless Alpha. hmm. He can't find ya, you get shot, and then ya get mauled by that kid" he shouts pointing to Liam.

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