Sixteen - Gone with the Wind

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Bailey's POV

Age 5

"MOMMY!" I hear my twin brother yell. My mother comes into the loving room.

" Yes Derek?" She asks kindly. My mother was always so kind. And Patient.

"I can't find my twurtwles" he says talking about his Ninja Turtles.

My mother pulls a soft confused face. "Now where could they be. Hmmmm." She says as she looks around. She then grabs Derek up and carries him around.

I look around the living room and sigh. Bored now my twin brother was taken away I had no one to play with.

I see a tall figure with long black hair pass the door way. "Daddy!" I yell giggling.

My Dad comes back to the loving room. He picks me up and sits down placing me on his knee. "Hey Duck!" He says just as enthusiastic.

I giggle again and start to play with his long beard hairs. He laughs. And kisses my forehead.

"Ah my little Duck, what will I do with you?"


I am woken when the car slows to a stop. I sit up straight and alert. I look to my left seeing Derek and my right seeing Cass.

I look ahead and see the Winnebago stopped. What is going on?

We all get out of the car. I am standing with Derek to the side of me and Daryl across from me in the kinda circle the group made.

I tune in just to hear Dale say the Radiator hose is pooched.

"Agggaaain?" I whine childishly. My brothers laugh, Daryl chuckles, Shane glares at me. "Exscuse me deputy dingle berry." I exclaim. I'm shoved slightly by Derek and look towards Daryl. He's giving me a 'are you kidding me face' I sigh.

" What the hell you just call me?" Shane asks incredulously. I scoff.

" You heard me, you glared at me. Did I offend you?" He scoffs.

" What you gonna do about it? Huh? Sick ya dogs on me? Huh?" I see Daryl and feel Derek tense.

I chuckle. "How bout a kick to the balls, deputy muffin Head?" He scoffs at me But, I hear laughs coming from the rest of the group. Bailey- 1, Dingus- 0.

I look to Daryl and see a look of pride on his face. Then I look at my twin, he pats my back. Finnaly I look at my see brothers and Cass. They have their eyes set on me. They, all three of them nod simultaneously. I look to my twin as he looks at me. "Weird" we say in sync. We start laugh after looking at each other suspiciously.


I am now looking through cars with Derek. I sigh, thinking about our old lives.

I nudge Derek. "I miss Dad" I say.

He nods. "Me, Sam and Dean do to" he says.

Ahh he doesn't get it. "No, I miss Dad, You know our Dad?" He tenses.

" Yeah? I miss him to, and Mom. And Laura and Cora and Luna and our pack then, and my pack now."

I sigh, "Derek.." I mumble. I pull him into a hug. "Hey, hey they are okay. The pack is fine. Our family is better off not seeing the dead come back." He nods against my shoulder. "You know I had a Dream of dad. It was that time that we were playing on the coach and you couldn't find you TMNT 'action figures' mom came and picked you up. Dad came into the top. After you left and he pulled me into his lap. And he kept calling me his little Duck. I miss him Derek, I miss him." I sniffle.

Suddenly Derek's head perks up he pushes me behind him. Then he turns to face me. "Get under the car." He motions to the car. I hesitate. His eyes glow red. "Get under the car. NOW!" He whisper shouts in his alpha tone. Hesitantly I do as he says.

I see his face as he croaches beside me. "Don't come out until one of us comes to get you. Understand?" I nod hesitantly. Derek then disappears.

His empty place is then filled by the feet of the dead. Just walking by, having a casual stroll like they aren't freaking dead!!!

As the feet disaspate, I start seeing no feet. I was about to call to one of my brothers or Daryl when a scream sounded.

I quickly slid from under the car and looked around. I see little Sophia running into the forest. Just like a bullet from the colt I am zooming towards her direction.


I find Sophia. She looks so scared, so scared. I hear the all to familiar growls of the dead. I turn and see 2 of them.

I bring Sophia to a river bank. It is hollow on the side like an animal burrow.

"Sophia, you stay right here, wait for someone, if my brothers or Daryl come, tell them I will see them at the highway. I'm just doubling back." She nods.

"Now if no one is around in say 10 minutes, keep the sun on your left shoulder, head that way. Actually after I distract the walkers run that way. Okay. You will likely run into someone from the group. Okay Sophia, good luck." I say and then I'm off.


It's dark now. I've already killed the walkers. Both if them. But I've seemed to get myself lost.

Well I might as well find some where to sleep.

I look around. Then I see it. It's perfect.

It's this small little shack/shed thing. I open the door and close and barricade it. I lay down on the floor and get comfortable.

I just start thinking about everything. My whole life. Then I think about my brothers, then Cass, then the new Hale and old Hale packs. Then finally they land on a redneck Alpha.

Dean starts making his way towards Daryl when Daryl picks his head up and rests it on its side, again perfectly so his ear is over my heart.

Dean stopped.  He examined our situation and turned around and headed back through the door. Grabbed Cas' sleeve and Sam's sleeve and pulling them away from the door.

Derek looks at me and Daryl again, this time taking his time. Apparently he sees something he didn't before, he has the same look Dean had. "I came here to say breakfast is ready." He says.

What the hell did the looks on their faces mean. Why the hell did they just scury out too?

Ahh I'm too tired for this.

I know my sleep will be plauged by a certain redneck.

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