Thirteen - Wine and Dine

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Bailey's POV

After reuniting with Cass and being pulled away by Daryl the doctor comes back up to me.

"Excuse me, if you want to go sit your but down in that chair and not get stabbed by this needle then you better go now, or I'll make it hurt."

Daryl grabs onto me tighter and pulls me behind him while growling.

The doctor smiles innocently. Daryl turns and pulls me with him over to the dreaded chair. He sits me down.

At this point I am just a hair from a panic attack. Daryl looks at my face and he can tell. He sits right beside me. He stares into my eyes.

"Jus' focus on me" is all he says.

After a few seconds I feel a pinch. Then seconds after another pinch.

I feel a bandaid being put on my arm. And a hand on my other signaling me to get up.

I look away from Daryl and back to Cass, he is in deep conversation with my brothers.

Daryl gently pulls me towards a wall. Away from everyone's ears, well, except my brothers.

Daryl stops and looks at me curious. "So, who's tha' guy back there?" He questions.

"Oh that, that's Cass." I said. His face make a frustrated expression.

"I go' that part, I meant who is he to ya brothas pack?"

"Oh he is the Angel that rescued Dean from hell and he is famous for always picking us over the angels."

Daryl's face was precious. "Anythin' else I should know?"

"Oh and I know God." I said like it was nothing.


After that little  chat with Daryl, Derek came and found us. He told us that diner was ready.

Man. If only I could find words to describe how excited I was. REAL food.

Oh my Chuck.  I could probably eat a horse.

As me and my wolves arrive at the diner table I see Sam and Dean. I make a beeline for the seat between Dean and Cass. Derek sat between Dean and Sam. Daryl sat across from me.

The rest I couldn't care less about. Wait scratch that. T-dog and Glenn, and Dale are alright. I guess that by default so are Carl and

I mean, no one can ever replace my Family. Sophia reminds me so much of Laura. My gosh I miss Laura. And Cora. I miss my whole family. I mainly miss my Mom though. She was my best friend, no matter what.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by a wine glass being placed in front of me. Wine glass? Do they have alcohol?

My thoughts are answered by Dean plopping his butt beside me and pouring some wine into my cup. He pours some in Cass', then Derek's, and finally Sam's. He goes to pour some in Daryl's but he lifts his hand up revealing a whole bottle.

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