Fourteen - Wake Up Call

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So first matter of business I would like to thank all of my wonderful veiwers/readers. Thank you for taking your time and even considering reading my book. From the bottom of my heart I thank each and every one of you.

Second. Werewolves can get drunk in my story. But you may have caught on that only happens when wolves bane is mixed in.


I am awoken by a movement on top of me. I'm not gonna lie it totally freaked me out.

Until I seen the unruly head of brown hair. Daryl. Okay no big deal. It's just the after math of a drunken Daryl Dixon.

His head is now settled on my chest. Positioned so his ear is right above my heart. I see the golden opportunity and bring my right hand off of where it rested on his back.

I run my hand through his clean brown hair. His hair is so soft. It's kinda like how a teddy bear feels when you use fabric conditioner on it.

Weird analogy I know, but it's true.


After couple minutes later I really have to go pee. I try to stealthily slide out from under him but he just subconsciously tightens his arms around me.

Uhgggg, why does he have to be so difficult?

I gently rub his right shoulder.

"Hey. Daryl. Wake up." He just grunts and snuggles his face into me even more, as if he were trying to hide.

I giggle. I rub his right shoulder again. "C'mon Daryl please get up." I plead again.

Daryl lifts his head up. He gives me a foggy, morning brain glare. It looks more like he's confused, that could be the case. I decide to clarify.

"I need to pee" I said in a soft voice.

His look goes back to his resting face. He looks like he is thinking. He has a smile lighten his face. He plops down onto me again. He berries his face in my stomach and mumbles a barley audible 'nope'.

I groan. "C'mon Daryl I just have to empty my practically bursting bladder. Which by the way you are totally crushing. Is this what pregnant women feel like when they have to pee a million frigging times a day? I'd absaloutly hate that, but I guess it's worth it to see that little baby's face. Right?"

This time it's Daryl that groans. He moves so he can see my face and puts his hand over my face. He gently pulls on my face downward as if trying to close them.

"Shhhh, sleep now. Annoy later." He says in a hungover voice.

"Well Mr. Dixon maybe next time don't mix alcohol with wolves bane. Then you wouldn't get hungover." I told him, still trying to get him to let me up to go pee.

He burries  his head again. "Oh my god. Shut up." He says again.

A knock sounded on the door. Daryl didn't make a move. "Come in" I yelled.

The door opens. I look up and see Derek. He's looking at the situation me and Derek are in. He starts laughing hysterically. Apparently that caught the attention of Sam and Dean.

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