Twenty one - Better

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Bailey's POV

Its now been a couple of days since the whole Dean incident. I've been on strict bed rest inforced by Daryl and Derek, who won't let me up out of bed other than for the bathroom.

I haven't seen Dean since the incident he hasn't come back around and I've as said before been on bed rest. Finally the Alphas let me have the room to myself for a while. I'm just sitting on the bed drawing in a book Daryl brought me from the RV.

The door swings open and I look up in hope that it's Dean and we can put this spat behind us but it's Hershel.

I noticeably deflate when I see it's him. Not that I don't like him, no. It's that I don't like him poking around my stomach, he's had to pole around it a couple times a day. It's stupid and uncomfortable and painful and I hate it.

He smiles. "I know you hate this part of the day the worst but if you stay still I may be able to "discharge" you as long as your Alphas agree of course." He adds as an after thought.

I get three times happier. "Who cares what they think. Come over here and poke and proad at me. I won't even complain this time. Please!" He laughs and the door opens again.

"Save your breath Child. You're gonna need it for when the stiches come out, trust me" Herschel says.

I nod. "That is by far the worst thing ever."

He nods. "You know the drill, lay down, shirt pulled up and perfectly still. And we will be done likity split." He says.

I do as he says. "Okie dokie."


After the painful process of getting my stiches out I am aloud back outside. I find myself wandering around.

I see Sheriff Stilinski and Sheriff Grimes standing and talking. Probably about sheriff stuff. Hmmm I wonder if they are gearing up for a showdown at high-noon. Ha, two sheriff's talking sounds like the start of a bad joke.

I've been in that room too long. I look around and see Carol and Lori doing some laundry. Pfft housewives. I see Shane cleaning the gun collection from the bag. Arhg he's doing it wrong. I hate that.

I keep looking and see Sammy. I walk over to him. I stand right behind him.

"Yo Sammoose! What's shaking?" He jumps and looks about a foot taller than he is while doing it.

He turns and sees me. "Bailey! You are supposed to be in bed!" He scolds.

I scoff. "Herschel gave me a clean bill of health." I reply.

He nods. "But did they?" He questions pointing behind me.

I look behind me, Daryl and Derek were both standing there. Derek's face was like a mix of Mom and Dads when they were scolding us or disappointed. Daryls was a sort of pride-ish look.

They both start walking towards me. I notice now that Daryl isn't limping but walking perfectly fine. Huh.. what happened to him in the first place?

As they reach me I notice Derek is mad. I back away behind Sam. "You can't catch me!" I yell as I push Sam into the angry Alphas. I take off.

I can here Sam distracting the Alphas. I look back to see them and am instantly on the ground.

I look up and see Dean. He looks down at me guilty before turning and walking away. "Dean?" I ask but, he keeps on walking. "Dean!" He keeps walking.

I get up off the ground and start going after him. Two strong arms wrapping around my waist and pulling me into a warm chest stop me. When I look I am met by two piercing blues.

I look beside us to Derek. "What's wring with Dean?" I question.

He furrows his eyebrows. "He feels guilty for what he said, the other night."

I frown. "A demon possed him. He didn't say that. The demon did." Derek nods. "He needs to stop being so self explosive."

I hear a chuckle above me and a rumble on my back. Daryl is laughing, which means he is smiling. I smile too. I look up at him. "You wanna let me go now?" He pretends to think then he shrugs.

"Hmmm, Nope." He picks me up and him and Derek start walking in the direction of the tents.

They bring me to a tent that has one sleeping bag unzipped and laying on the ground with blankets strewn across it. It actually looks really comfy.

Daryl sets me down. Derek looks at me pointedly. "You are sharing this tent with Daryl. I'm sharing with Sammy. Dean's sharing with Cass. So you guys are sharing." He's says looking back at Daryl. Then he looks back at me. "I understand Herschel has cleared you but, you need some more sleep. We will clear you tomorrow morning." He says pointing between him and Daryl.

I sigh. "Why in the morning?" I whine.

Derek looks at me like I slapped him across the face. "You were shot. And you are human." He then leaves.

I sit on the makeshift bed. "How're ya feelin'?" Daryl asks, sitting down on the bed beside me.

I breathe in the somewhat fresh air circulating from outside the tent. "Better." I answer. He nods.

"Good. Was worried 'bout cha. After Dean."  A smile breaks out onto my face. His face goes confused. "What?"

"You're worried about me?" His face goes red and I smile wider. He goes to leave. I grab his hand. "Hey. It's okay. Its not a bad thing to worry about someone. And I'm fine. Dean is just a self righteous big brother that will put himself down before he blames it on someone or something else." He sits back down beside me.

A couple of minutes pass and I realise I'm still holding onto Daryls hand. My face goes red and I immediately drop his hand. "I'm sorry." I whisper out.

It's his turn to grin. He chuckles. " 's fine. C'mere." He pulls me towards him. And plants his lips on my forehead. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me down to the bed. "Git some sleep." He says his voice thick with sleep. I cuddle more into him to get comfy. And soon the world is black.

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