Twenty Six - Cabin Fever

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Bailey's POV

It's been a couple days in the house for both me and Daryl. It getting pretty stuffy in here.

We were deemed able to go out to the tents. Of course we stayed in the same tent so my brothers easily made sure we stayed in it.

We are just heading down to the tent now. I get up after Daryl. Daryl stumbles a little. Probably not used to being hurt for a while.

He grabs his side and I have a shallow throb on my side. I push myself up and then collapse again. The pain from my still healing gunshot wound and the tears and chunks out of my skin stretching proved to be better if you push yourself up slow instead of fast like I just did.

Daryl let's out a little whine and walks over to me. He helps me up. And this time it doesn't hurt as much. I look at Daryls hand on my fore arm. I see the black veins.

I slap Daryls hand away. "Stop that!" I demand. "Don't take my pain away. You have enough yourself." I tell him.

He scoffs. "Ya collapsed I Didn'" he says. I glare at him. He looks away.

The door opens. I look over and see Derek. "Is there a problem in here?" He asks jokingly. I glare over at him. He laughs even more. "Ok. Well let's get you two into your tent."


"No, I'm telling you, I want the left side of the sleeping bag!" I raise my voice. Daryl scoffs at my statement.

"Hell No!" He fights back. I hear a laugh and look up to my big brother. I punch Dean In the gut. He is winded and coughs.

Dean just pushes me into Daryl. "I don't care how you lay down, just lay down" he says.

I huff and go to lay on the right side when Daryl does the exact same thing. I huff again. "You said you wanted the left side!" I exclaim.

" Ya did too!" He yells back.

I huff. "Fine, I'll take the left side, like I wanted in the first place. Why couldn't you  just say 'I wan' tha righ' side' is it really that hard?" I imitate him.

He scoffs. "Don' soun' lik' tha'" he says.

I nod, " Yeah, you do" I say.

We lay down on the sleeping bag. Daryl was against the tent wall, and I was almost falling off the sleeping bag new and improved with a cot.

Daryl gets comfy, moving around. He then stops. "Wha' ya doin' girl?"

I tense. "Trying to not hurt either of us" I say like it's obvious.

He scoffs. He grabs my waist and pulls me into his chest. Me facing the complete opposite side of the tent. I can feel his soft breaths against my neck, it tickled every time.

I moved my head a little trying to get it to stop tickling. Daryl moved his head so it rested against the back of mine, his chin on my shoulder and I could then feel his breath on my shoulder.

He puts his arm that was resting on the make shift bed underneath my head, his other arm around my waist, holding on to me like a stuffed animal.

I pulled up the blanket around us and cuddled into it. It wasn't long until I fell asleep.


I am woken by a rumble against my back. I move my head to get a look but, evidently can't.

I turn around in spot. I come face to face with a sleeping Alpha. Daryl is snoring in his sleep, little cute snores. Even though they are little and cute they also rumble through his chest an transfer to my body.

I lay my head against his chest and listen to his heart beat and breathing. I hear the deep and long breaths go in and get released in a rhythmatic way.

I almost fall back asleep when the tent is unzipped.

I look up and see that it's Derek. "Hey Bay. Umm... I just found these in my bag, I didn't know if you noticed they were gone or not. But here you go." He puts three chains in my hand.

I look them over, first is a dog tag my Dad had given me. No not John Winchester but my dad. It has an engraved message. And just when the caterpillar gave up it became a butterfly, Never forget who you are my sweet little girl, for You are my baby, now and forever.

I start to tear up. I look at the other two chains. One is the Triskele my brother has tattooed on his back. My mother gave this to me to represent not only the wolf pack, but to remind me of my roots, be proud of our name, and know the order. She would always say " courage is standing up and making noise but, courage also is the strength to sit and wait for Karma, it might take minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, hell maybe years but, he who waits has the ultimate prize. Not revenge but, vengeance and justice."

She would say that whenever I would get sad or mad. Or downright peeved. She was my mother And, mother knows best. At this point I am barely holding back the tears.

I look at the other chain. I see a symbol, a little glass, a metal match and a pair of Angel wings. Tears spill over as I look it over. It was a gift from Derek and I's biological father. The symbol was an anti-possession symbol that all my brothers had tattooed. The little glass jar was full of a coloured rock salt, blue by the way, that and the metal match were to symbolise the famous family quote 'salt and burnand the Angel wings were to represent my fallen family. The one I grew up in. When he gave it to me he had told me that one night my mother was in a bar and he happened to be in the same one. One thing had led to another and the next morning when he woke she was gone.

She had made the mistake of leaving her wallet. He thought he screwed. So he brought it to the adress in the wallet and knocked on my family's  door. My Dad had answered. You could imagine the look on my Dads face as the eldest Winchester told him he was looking for his wife, told him she had left her wallet. They had a fist fight. My mother had walked out by then and pulled them apart. Apparently her and Dad were having a break when my biological dad and my mom hooked up, but they hadn't used protection.

He told me they had worked out an agreement. They would call and tell him if she was pregnant. And if she was she was to send him a pic of the baby every week for the rest of their life's.

He said he knew there was something when the pictures stopped coming. He said he thought that they got lost in the mail. Eventually he found out about the fire. He tracked us down. And he introduced himself. It was a couple months after the fire.

The tears flowed freely down my face now. I reached back and slowly clicked each one behind my neck. All the charms now clunking together. I smiled. I look up to my brother, he was just watching me the whole time.

I motion him over. He gives me a bear hug. Of course I pull away from Daryls clutches first.

Derek pulls away and looks at Daryl. "Bailey, Never give up on finding love. Especially in the apocalypse. You never know what the end of the world will bring."

Derek walks out and zips the tent.

I look long and hard at the chains on my neck. I lay back down and snuggle back into Daryl and wonder what the world will bring tommorow.

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