Nineteen- Shell Shocked

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Bailey's POV

He shakes his head. "Is He, is he dead?" I ask my voice cracking.

"I don't know" Derek says. I shake my head tears flowing over. My heart beat spikes faster than when I thought Dean was blown up.

Daryl who is out of breath snaps his head to my neck. Probably now watching my pulse. Then he looks at my face, sniffs the air and slowly starts moving.

My breath picks up and I fall to the ground, grasping at the grass for any shred of hope, not finding any.

My breathing gets faster and faster and my vision starts to fade and I hear distant calls of my name. I couldn't focus on the voices though.

My head starts to pound. I know exactly why, my body is taking in too much oxygen to process. I need to slow my breathing. But now I am aware of my own breathing, one more thing on a long list to freak over.

Black dots form in the corners of my eyes and I feel a sticky warn substance on my cheeks and also on my stomach. I was crying but what about my stomach.

My mind goes blank and the world goes black.


I walk up to Jim and sit down in front of him. "Hey Jim."

"Hey Bailey." He replied back.

I take a deep breath. "Look I've seen a lot of things in my life time. I've done a lot of things to. I've seen a lot of my family, friends, random people, and people I was trying to save die, point is, I should have it down to a science but, seeing people die, good people die, it never gets easier, you never forget that stuff. But you can block it. You can build up walls around your self. You can set yourself free. You can talk to people you trust, or you just live with it. Me I just live with it. To me setting yourself free is never an option. Not for me. But if that's what you choose. Especially in this situation then I respect that. But I have to say. I have too people with me on this crazy journey that can heal the bite of a walker. Now you may die anyway but if you live, everything gets enhanced."

Jim sighs. "Yeah I know. There are two Alpha werewolfs here." He pulls a silver bullet on a chain out from under his shirt. "I'm a hunter. Not an Argent but still a hunter. I was trained by the old man though. Gerard trained me. I got out before he could corrupt me like Kate.  I was there that night in Beacon Hills when you and your family got caught in the fire. It was my test." He killed my family. He burnt me and my uncle. He forced the Werewolf out of my Uncle.

"Y- you killed my Family?" I all but muttered. He nodded. "How could you. How the hell could you kill my Family?! There were innocents there. My baby sister. My newborn baby brother. My nursing mother!"

He sighs. "Look I know. I know everything about your family. Who do you think called 911 and saved you?! Bet you didn't think of that. Huh?"

I was absaloutly Livid.  "Sheriff Stilinski saved my life. He put his on the line to drag me out of that burning house. As far as I'm concerned. You are the one that tore my life apart, burn after burn after burn. 20% of my body has burns on it. 80% of my Uncle Peters body was burned. You  put him in a comma for 6 years. Go directly to Hell don not pass go or collect 200 dollars. Just go to hell." I get up to walk away. As soon as I'm standing Jim grips my hand.

"Listen very carefully to what I say next. To unlock the next level, go to the in between." Jim says like Meredith the Banshee that went insane in eichen house.

I feel two hands on each arm pulling me away from Jim. As this happens Jim goes crazy. "You're gonna die your all gonna die!!! And you will become the monsters you are so afraid of!!!!"

"You're gonna die your all gonna die!!! And you will become the monsters you are so afraid of!!!!"

"You're gonna die your all gonna die!!! And you will become the monsters you are so afraid of!!!!"

The last few sentences kept repeating through my mind.

I jump up screaming/whimpering. Almost immediately Daryl runs in and to my side. He plops down right beside me and pulls me into his arms.

I turn my head and sob into his chest. He rubs my back soothingly in a circle motion. "Shhh, shhh. Ye' fine." He mumbles. 

I shake my head, "No, no. You're gonna die, my brothers are gonna die. I'm gonna die. We'll turn into those. Those things, what we fear most!" I said raising my voice slightly at the end.

He places a hand on my cheek and gently brings my face level to his. "Hey, hey look at me okay?" I bring my eyes to his. "We're all gon' be ok alrigh'. Nothins gon' happen ta anyone ok. 'Specially ya ok? I'm no' gon' let anyone hurt ya. Ok?" I nod.

The tears come out more as he says this. Why does he care so much. I look back into his eyes and see they are red. He sees I'm still crying, he pulls my head between his neck and shoulder.

I let all my tears out. He pets my hair.  I calm down. My tears are fewer and far apart. He pulls away. "Ok, ya should go ta sleep, it's late."

He starts to walk away after getting off the bed I was currently lying on. I quickly reach up and grab his hand. "Wait. Stay." I say. He looks conflicted. "Please" I plead.

He walks away, opens the door, then closes it. I deflate. I see a light beyond the door go out. Then the door opens yet again. I can't see the person this time.

I hear shuffling and the sound of clothing. I feel the other side of the bed dip. And I feel someone's warmth on the other side of me.

Then I feel an arm drape over my side. The person pulls me close, and I snuggle into the person. I feel a warm kiss on my forehead and a whispered  "G'nite"

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