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Riker's POV

Well, getting back from Canada was the best thing ever! I'm so glad Lauren mentioned Prom when she did or I'd be going on a date with someone special to me that I don't even remember. So I'm thankful that she's my date and I'm thankful that she mentioned Prom or I wouldn't of had known it was Lauren from Prom. My god, she's gotten so much beautiful that she was before. I'm so into that! I'd tap that!

"I like what you did to your hair, Riker!" Lauren complimented, touching my hair. I smiled and grabbed her hand, puling it to my chest.

"Do you feel that?" She nods. "That beats only for you." I whisper. She blushes a super bright red which makes me giggle. She's just so pretty!

Rydel's POV

I was talking with Ryland. I might be freaking out like a crazy fangirl about what happened with Ratliff, but baby Ry Ry doesn't care. He was playing on his phone while I laid along the couch, having my head resting on his lap as he leaned back on the couch engulfed in his game. I was spreading out all of my Ratliff feelings and secrets. Ryland was listening. I know he was. He'd never pass out on the opportunity to find out his only sisters secrets and crush! No brother would! Because normal mean brother would either scare them off or tell them, but my brothers aren't normal mean brothers. They're sweet kind brothers!

"And...it's just hard knowing that Ratliff is going to go out on some date with another girl. Sure, we aren't dating but it'll still hurt!" I complain. Ryland looks at me and sighs.

"He likes you Delly. Don't worry!" He says with a sweet smile. I grin.

"HAH! You WERE listening to me!" I tease, poking his stomach and sides. I sit up and looked at the staircase as Ross and Laura walk down. OH! MY PHONE! I run up to my room, teasingly poking both Ross and Laura as I walked passed them. As soon as I opened my door, I picked up my phone and stopped the recording. I went to my photos and watched the video. It was so cute! Those pair are adorable and they so suit each other! They're meant to be! I just hope there aren't any more problems to keep them apart... I'm watching a part of the video where Ross pulled Laura onto his toes and he laughed so they both fell onto the bed which caused them to have a massive laughing fit. I smiled as they stopped laughing and Ross leaned closer to her so that they kissed. Naw, so freaking cute! AAH!!! Ooh, I need to make a ship name! Hmmm... Loss? No.. Lauross? Nope, that sounds weird. Rosaura? Sound even weirder so no. Raura? OH! I LIKE THAT ONE! Raura it is!

"So cute!" I fan girl. Ratliff jumps into my room, making me scream and jump along the way.

"What's cute?" Ratliff asked just as the video ended with them having a make out session and then walking out of the room hand in hand, then me moving the phone and stopping it. I handed him the photo and he watched the video, smiling and giggling at their interactions. I smiled at his content reactions.

"Adorable." I whispered under my breath. He looked at me and smiled.

"Thanks." He nudges me and hugs me close. What's happening? He wouldn't of been able to hear me say he was adorable!! I barely even said it! I couldn't even hear it myself!!! THE FLIP?!

"For what" I ask nervously. He pulls back and stares in my eyes. Oh, please kiss me Ellington, please kiss me! He smiles and I smile in return. He then taps my arm and moves closer to my face, pressing his lips to my cheek. Oh crap! SO FREAKING CLOSE!! Well, at least I got a kiss on the cheek! YIPEE! AAAH!!!! I made a squeaky sound and leaned against the wall. As soon as he walked out of the room, I rushed to the kitchen. "Mom, where are the cupcakes?"

"There are some red velvet cupcakes in the back of the fridge." She informs me while her eyes are glued to her magazine. I smiled and skipped to the fridge, getting MY CUPCAKES!!!

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