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Laura's POV

I woke up the next day at lunch time.


I crawl out of bed with the dress still on.

Weird. It feels weird.

I stand up and quickly slip on some undergarments. I look down and peel the dress off of me. I reach into my bag and pull out skinny jeans and a yellow crop top.

This should be fine...

I put the clothes on and then grab my yellow converse high tops with the special R5 symbol on the side. Stormie took my shoes one day and steamed the symbol onto the sides of my shoes. It's pretty cool actually. I look in the full body mirror and smile, but cringe at my hair. I quickly run a brush through it and pull it back into a high and wavy ponytail. I nod at myself and walk out of the room and downstairs.

"Morning Laura." Rocky says as he walks past me into the kitchen. I smile and say good morning back.

Riker passes me going out of the kitchen and into the living room and he says, "Come on!" So I follow him into the living room curiously. On the couch sits Mark, Rydel, Ratliff, an empty seat, Riker, another empty seat, Ross, yet another empty seat, Stormie and then Ryland. I smile as Stormie waves at me and then pats the seat in between her and Ross. I giggle and walk up to them, sitting on the comfy seat in between the two. I hear a small bell and I look at my feet to see my kitten. I smile and pick him up.

He's just so adorable!

I place him on my lap and he curls up, preparing to go to sleep.

"What have you named him?" Ross whispers in my ear. I look at him and shrug.

"I haven't." I say. He gives me a weird look and pats the kitten softly. "How about Jewel?" I ask. He shakes his head.

"Nah, it's a boy." He says with a smile. I think for a second.

"How about... Alec?" I ask. Ross smiles widely and nods. "Alec it is." I smile. He kisses my forehead and Rocky and Lauren come racing into the living room. Rocky jumps in between Ratliff and Riker while Lauren plops herself between Riker and Ross. I look around at everyone as they get comfortable. Only then does the doorbell ring.

Seriously? After everyone gets comfortable?

Nobody gets up, they all just groan, so I hop out of my seat and answer the door myself. Oddly enough, it's Derrick with a girl. He has a gigantic grin on his face.

"Hey Laura. I've come to gloat to Rocky that I have a girlfriend and he doesn't!" He says immaturely. I sigh and playfully roll my eyes.

"Boys." I sigh. The girl laughs and nods. I hold my hand out to her. "Hi, I'm Laura. Derricks little sister." I smile.

She takes my hand and shakes it firmly, smiling while saying, "I'm Ashley. It's nice to meet you. I've heard so much about you. He just doesn't shut up about his little sisters does he?" She giggles. I look at Derrick and he looks down remembering Sophia. I do the same. "What? Was it something I said?" Ashley freaks looking back at Derrick and I. I shake my head.

"No, no. It's just... We lost our little sister a while ago..." I say. She nods and hugs me. I smile and she goes back to Derrick's side. I motion for them to come in and they walk into the living room.

"HEY!!!" Both Derrick and Rocky yell in unison.

Well, they both have a new friend. Each other.

I laugh and sit back down between Stormie and my Rossy. Rocky jumps up and sits on the floor with Derrick following him. Ashley giggles and sits where Rocky was previously sitting. Rydel gasps and jumps up, leaping over Ratliff and pushing him into her seat while she sits where he was previously. I laugh at them all as they jump around and about. Rocky runs out and comes back in with candy, sodas, popcorn and heaps of more food. I stare in amazement as they have pretty much everything.


Rocky sits back down beside my older brother and grabs the DVD players remote, pressing play. The first scene rolls and Ross cuddles up to me. I giggle and cuddle up to him as well.

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