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Yo! Sorry it's been forever since I updated last, but I've been obsessed with Instagram so yeah 😅
You should go follow it. 😉 I make raura edits on my Instagram account.
And example will be in the media 😁💕

IG: shiprano

Laura's point of view.

"I might be overreacting here...but that was the song that I inspired, right?" I ask, standing up from the ground and looking straight at Ross.

He hesitates, but nods his head as he steps closer to me, "But that's was when you...y'know..." He trails off, sliding a hand down my arm and wrapping his large hand around my much smaller one. He looks up into my eyes with what I think is hope.

I sigh, "I don't want to lose you again, so I'll forget about the song and just enjoy that I have you back." I smile as he mirrors me. He gently pulls me closer to him and our noses barely touch.

My heart suddenly sinks, "Wait. I do have you back, right?" I panic, staring him in the eye. He let's out a chuckle and nods, placing a smile right back on my face. "Thank God," I breath out before placing my lips firmly on his in a sweet kiss.

He pulls back seconds later, humming shortly before shaking his head and turning around, pulling me by my hand as he makes his way to his room. I giggle as he whispers to himself, obviously thinking of something.

Once he pulls me into his room and sits me down on his bed, he stands in front of me and shakes his head once again. "No," he mumbles to himself, grabbing my arms and making me stand up. I furrow my eyebrows together in confusion and chuckle lightly. He rubs the back of his neck before looking me in the eye, a hint of shaken nerves behind the glossy hazel.

"Are you alright?" I ask, a little unsure as he curses to himself quietly. He pulls at his hair and I grab his hands, gently holding them in mine as I bring them down in front of me. I smile up at him and kiss each knuckle on both of his hands.

When I look back up at him again, he seems calmer, a small smile on his face as he loosens up. "What's bothering you?"

"We aren't dating."

I scrunch up my nose and shake my head, "Yes we are. You just said I had you back. We're together again." I squeeze his hands gently.

He let's go of my hands and pulls on his hair again, as if it sustains him. "No... No, we broke up after you," he squeezes his eyes shut for a few moments, "after you kissed that douche."

"What are you saying, Ross?"

He sighs loudly, letting go of his hands and placing them on my arms, looking me in the eyes once again. He takes a big breath before saying, "Laura, will you do me the honor of becoming my girlfriend again?"

A big grin spreads out on my face as I stare at him. I nod my head and he pulls me in for a hug, picking me up and spinning me on the spot. I giggle as I feel the happiness radiating off the both of us.

He sets me down and I bite my tongue. He lifts my chin and smiles at me, placing a sweet kiss on my lips.

"Look," we both sit down on his bed, "seeming as how I cheated on you and kissed Ishka," his mood changes little by little while he pulls my legs up and over his so that I was sitting sideways, "so I'm giving you a free pass to kiss any girl that isn't me. And don't be a smart ass and kiss your mom or Rydel on the cheek." I point at him and he laughs.

"There's no way I'm cheating on you." He states. He etches his brows together as he continues, "Just because you hurt me doesn't mean I have to do it back."

I sigh. I don't want to feel guilty my entire life for that little mistake. That one little mistake that was so stupid. I was so stupid to do that. I still can't believe I did that to Ross. I'm such a jerk. I'm the biggest jerky jerk jerk on the face of the planet.

"Why can't you just do it?" I nag, shoving his shoulder and pouting.

He rolls his eyes playfully as he asks, "Why do you want me to?" He pulls my legs more and cause me to sit on his lap, both of my legs hanging off the left side of him. I turn my head towards him, crossing my arms as he wraps his arms around my waist.

"I don't want to have to owe you."

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