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Laura's POV

I open my eyes, groaning in pain. What happened? I look at my surroundings after sitting up. My ears are ringing and my head is pounding. I peel my eyes fully open and I start to hear properly. Yelling. A whole lot of yelling. I look around. People are tied up and others are fighting. Wait, my parents are tied up. Sophia is tied up. Justin and someone else are fighting. I look to see who was fighting him. All I see is blonde hair before a large bang was heard. My attention shoots towards Sophia. She's untied herself and she's face down on the ground. I get up and rush over to her, only to fall over. A sharp pain is in my thigh. What the heck? I look at Sophia and she stands up, walking over to Justin and the blonde. She pushed Justin away and faces him.

"Kill me. You can shoot me in return that you'll leave my parents, Laura, Derrick, the Lynch's and the Ratliff's alone forever! Okay?!" Sophia states, starting to cry. Justin smirks and grabs his gun up off of the ground. I hear my parents starting to cry and so do I.

"No Sophia!" I call out. She shakes her head and looks at Justin. She nods and he holds the gun up to her head. The blonde makes his way to me and helps me up. I immediately run to my parents and untie them. They try to run to Sophia but a big guy stops them and pushes them out of the room and out of the house. Thank god they're alright. I try to jump to Sophia, but the blonde holds me back, pulling me out of the room. Who the hell?!

"Get off me, freak!" I scream at the blonde. He picks me up and carries me out. As we reach the staircase, I hear a gun shot. I scream my head off and try to squirm out of the blondes grip as best as I can, but it doesn't help. He's got too good of a grip. I give up and cry hysterically. Nothing's going to help make me happy. I close my eyes and cry myself to sleep.

When I awaken, I yawn, stretch and I walk up to the house. How did I get outside? I look around. Rocky, Riker, Lauren and some other girl are sitting on the couch in the living room. I see my parents outside through the window covered in blankets while sitting in the back of an ambulance. When do that get here? I walk up to Rocky and sit beside him.

"Where's Derrick?" I ask. He looks at me and shrugs. "What do you mean?" My voice becomes panicked.

"I don't know where he is. I forgot he even came..." He replies. I start to worry, so I stand up and search the house. As I walk up the stairs and stop at a room, I remember what happened in the room. There are two paramedics loading Sophia's dead body into a body bag. My eyes start to water as they pass me while carrying the gurney that held Sophia and the body bag. I cry as I search the other rooms. Where could Derrick be?! I walk down stairs and into the dining room. I sit on the floor and lean my back against the wall. I look at the floor and notice a trap door. What the..? I move the rug off of it and open the trap door. It's dark. I grab the lighter from the table and flick it on, lighting a lantern type of thing. I walk down the stairs holding the lantern up. I look around and notice chains and bones everywhere. It's scary down here. Someone groans and I look to the side, seeing Derrick tied up to the wall with chains as if he was being trapped in a castle dungeon. I rush to him and unlock him from the chains. Some idiot left the key above Derrick. What an idiot. I help Derrick walk up the stairs and out of the trap door.

"Derrick, are you okay?" I ask him. He looks at me and smiles weakly.

"Yeah..." He says softly. "I heard a gun shot. What happened?" He asks, coughing afterwards. I sigh and begin to tear up again.

"Sophia sacrificed herself for us." I simply explain, sniffling and wiping my tears away. I help Derrick out of the house and towards the ambulance. He looks at me and hugs me tightly.

"It's okay Laur. She loves us, we know that, so it's okay." He comforts me. I smile at him and kiss his cheek. Then I push him into the ambulance and walk back into the house and stand in front of Rocky and Riker. Someone taps my shoulder and I turn around to see the blonde.

"Laura... I'm sorry..." He says softly. I cry some more and hug him, sobbing into his chest. He rubs my back and pats my hair, trying to comfort me.

"It's okay Ross..." I reply, crying into his chest some more.

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