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Laura's POV

It's almost ten o'clock at night and I'm sitting on my bed under the covers. I scrolled through my iPhone 5S and opened twitter. I searched up 'Rossr5' and his account opened up straight away. My finger hovered over top of the 'follow' button and eventfully pressed down onto the screen. I'm now following Ross Lynch from R5. Weird.

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It's been over a week since that misclicking incident and I've heard nothing. Why am I getting so worked up over this anyways? It's not like I even have a chance! I opened my laptop and browsed through my emails. One caught my eye. I opened it while my heart pounded so hard that I swear that China could hear it. I read the message carefully and then I sat back in my chair.

It said 'Congratulations! You have won a live audition to be Ross Lynch's date. This is a special opportunity meaning he has chosen you and few others specifically. Please come to the following address tomorrow at noon. Good luck and good day.'

I sighed and stood up. Derrick stood at the door, leaning on the doorframe grinning his head off. He must've seen the message. I smiled and giggled.

"I was one of the girls he chose specifically." I bragged. He nodded and walked up to me, wrapping his arms around me and giving me a hug. He rested his chin on the top of my head.

"I know, Laur. I know." He said.

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Today's the day! I have two hours until my 'audition' to be Ross Lynch's date! I opened my cupboard to find old clothes. Ugh! Nothing to wear! I grabbed my purse, phone and walked to Derrick's room.

"Derrick? Can you please drive me to the mall to buy some cute clothes. I have two hours until I meet them." I said sweetly. He grinned and grabbed his wallet and keys. Yay! We walked out to the car and drove out to the mall.

Once we got inside, I ran into Forever 21 and grabbed a few cute outfits. I also got two pairs of shoes. Once we were done with that, Derrick took me to a hair salon to get my hair dyed differently.

I sat in the cold chair waiting for the lady to come out and do my hair the way Derrick said. He's an artist so he knows what looks best. That sounds weird. A fit mall cop is a talented smart artist. Haha!

She came out and stood behind me smiling. I smiled back and the hair transformation had begun.

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One hour later and I've just gotten out of the hair salon. My hair is so soft! It's a lighter brown with blonde/ombré/amber highlights. I liked it. I looked at my watch and turned around to face Derrick.

"I have about half an hour to get to the place. Where's somewhere I can change?" I asked. He pointed to the bathrooms and I walked in. I changed into a yellow crop top that had the word 'love' printed along it in black, some waist high shorts in black and some yellow high tops.

I walked out and we ran to the car. Derrick drove me to the 'auditions' and he waited outside. I ran in and talked to a lady, she then let me into the sitting room where about eight girls sat waiting. I guess I was one of the last of the girls and the other one must've been in the room already.

Seconds later, a Latina girl with a more solid built body ran out of the room crying as I sat down. Oh no.

"Melanie Soley!" Yelled out a super girly voice. A girl with short straight blonde hair and a little bit TOO thin of a body went prancing into the room wearing a long black dress that hugged her sides. You could see the outline of her underwear. Gross. I fiddled with my thumbs nervously, and then pulled out my phone. I started texting Derrick. Our conversation history started with me texting 'I'm nervous'.

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