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This chapter and further chapters are dedicated to @tijanica for the awesome ideas! 😉

Oh, and sorry if this chapter is crap - I tried to help my parents with the puppy but they just yelled at me so I realized that I seriously can't do anything right so now I'm kind of upset. But who cares - my parents obviously don't.

Laura's point of view.

I'm currently in my room, staring at the ceiling unable to cry from the stinging in my face. Shall I run through the previous events? Okay. Here's a flashback;

I run up to Ishka at his car and press my lips to his. He immediately kisses back, placing his hands on my waist. After a few seconds, he pushes me back and asks "I thought you were dating him?" He points to Ross I'm the window. His expression is angry and hurt. I immediately feel guilty, quickly looking back at Ishka. I continue my stupidity and shake my head, walking around to the other side of his car and opening the passenger side door.

"No, I uh-" I take a breath, looking back up at him, "I-I broke up with him." I lie, to myself even. Because obviously, I didn't break up with him. I'm just taking a rage moment and acting childish, not to mention selfish. I sit in his car, closing the door behind me as I put my seatbelt on. He cautiously gets in the drivers side of the car as he watches me. He buckles up and starts the car up. I sigh as I sink down in my seat. "Let's go on that date." I speak up, catching his attention. He smiles slightly, pulling off of the lawn and driving down the street.

I'm going to time skip this part, because all we did was go to a small diner and eat. We didn't even really talk, it was kind of awkward. So anyways, continuing to the flashback:

As soon as he pulls up in front of my house, the lights are off inside. I wonder for a second if Ross would still be inside or not. But the front door being wide open kind of gives it away that he clearly left in anger. I don't blame him, though. I just cheated on him. Right in front of him. I'm a terrible person and a terrible girlfriend. I thank Ishka for a fun time and get out of the car, making my way towards the front door. I hear another car door open and close and footsteps running after me. I turn around expecting to see Ishka, but instead I see Rydel storming towards me. My eyes widen as she slaps me right across my cheek. She shakes her hand, obviously not expecting to hit me as hard as she did. To be honest, I didn't expect it at all. I feel like my eyes are watering, but I can't cry. I know I can't cry. I can't cry because I have no reason to. I was the one who was in the wrong and I was the one who cheated on Ross. He didn't deserve that. I don't even know why I cheated on him in the first place anymore. I don't remember why I was mad at him. And as of right now, all I want is to be in Ross' arms hugging him and apologizing to him and kissing his perfect face. Rydel stomps her foot on the ground, as if she had been speaking for an hour and I hadn't been paying any attention what-so-ever.

"How dare you," her voice is harsh as she speaks, "what did my brother do to you?" She puts a finger to my chest and pushes me a little. I stand still, not knowing how to react. I look past her to see that Ishka's car is long gone. I also see Ross sitting in the back seat of Riker's car. He looks like he's been crying as he has sunk into the seat. I sigh, looking down at my now interesting shoes.

"I'm sorry, I don't know.." I manage to speak, surprisingly. She glares at me before turning around and walking back to the car.

Before she hops in the front seat, she turns to me and yells out, "You'll feel that later." She points at me. I remove my eyes from her and look at Ross. He's looking at me with sad eyes. I return those sad eyes, in which he just looks down at his lap. Rydel starts up the car and speeds off, leaving me emotionless and standing on my front lawn. I walk into the house, closing the door behind me. I turn on a few lights throughout the house and trudge my way upstairs, walking into my bedroom. I shut the door with my foot and fall onto my bed before rolling onto my back.

So, here I am. Laying on my bed with a pain in my cheek. I'm running the scene through my head over and over again, but what doesn't make sense is why I did it. I don't know why I did that, and I don't know what made me so stupid to hurt Ross like that. I grab one of my pillows and hug it to my chest, trying to let out at least one tear, but nothing happens. I can't cry - not yet. I guess my eyes are just waiting for something big to happen? Maybe. I hope not, though.

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