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I have 20K reads, oh my gosh. 😍 It's been such a rough ride writing this book, but you guys make it all worth it. I appreciate you guys so much and I can't thank you all enough. It means to much to me that you guys like my books.

WARNING; There may be some triggering scenes, and a case of the feels.

Laura's point of view.

Days later, I'm still laying in bed like a zombie. Mom comes up every so often to check on me and make sure I'm still breathing. She keeps urging me to eat, but I just don't feel up to it. I get up to grab a glass of water from the bathroom every now and again. Derrick is always downstairs, so I don't have the guts to go down there. I feel like I've disappointed him and I hate how that makes me feel. Ashley comes into my room sometimes and talks with me, keeping me updated on the 'latest gossip' in and outside the house.

"Laura, hunny," my mom speaks softly through the door, opening it slightly, "can you come downstairs?"

For these several days, I have not stopped crying. Not once, for even a second.

I stand up and walk to the door, opening the door up fully. She gives me a small smile, gently grasping my hand and slowly pulling me downstairs. She guides me into the living room where my dad stands up from his seat, a hopeful look on his face. At least it's a different scene from when they picked me up from the local jail. The look they gave me that night was scarring.

"Sweetheart," dad begins, opening his arms to give me once of his special big bear hug. More tears flow as I rush my way into my dads arms, "shh, it's alright." He starts to play with my hair, and it just reminds me of Ross when he used to play with my hair. I start to cry harder. It's as if the more I remember Ross, the sadder I get.

"Mom, Dad," I pull back from my dad, wiping my eyes, "I'm sorry, but I can't do this anymore."

I rush through the house and up the stairs, tears leaving paths on my cheeks. Mom calls after me and even chases me, but I'm too fast for her as I reach the upstairs bathroom. I frantically open the draws under the sink, rummaging my way through them in search of a fresh razor.

"Laura, sweetie, I know you're upset about Ross, but don't do anything drastic, okay?" Mom soothes through the door, her voice shaking as she speaks.

"What? Like kill myself?" I ask, crying even more hysterically. I hear mom fumbling and saying something in a low voice, but I don't understand. I open up the small cabinet and yank out a bunch of medicine bottles as mom twists and pulls on the door handle.

"Laura, unlock the door!" Her voice becomes frantic as I become quiet. I stare at the packet of new razors in my hands. The packet is already open, so I pull one out and drop the rest onto the floor. I try to break the razor open so I can get to the blade.

"Laura!" Mom screams through the door, both hands banging as I hear her start to sob. I manage to break the razor open, finally, and I pull out the blades. The banging on the door gets louder and louder as I walk to the bath and turn it on, putting the plug in and stepping into the tub. I wait for a few minutes, taking in the banging and the yelling and the running of water. As soon as the bath water is up to my ankles, I pull myself back to reality and I slowly drag the tip of the blade along the middle of my arm. I take in big breaths as I repeat the same action over and over again, pertinent our. a shaky breath as blood trickles down and into the water.

The banging continues, only this time it's louder and the hits seem heavier. Maybe dad is hitting the door now. Too bad I'm going to bleed to death before they get a locksmith here. I close my eyes tightly, dragging the whole body of the blade across my arm, pressing down harder. I feel the liquid of my blood slowly slide down my arm, dripping off into the now light red water under me. By now, the water is half way to my knees. I suck in another large breath, sliding the blade along a few more times, hoping to get dizzy soon. The banging gets louder once again as the yelling and crying becomes a fuzzy sound in my ears. I slide the blade along one more time, thinking it will do the trick. A few more years slide down my cheeks, when the door suddenly busts down in a heap, taking a body along with it.

Everything starts to go in slow motion as the body gets up and runs over to me, grabbing me out of the tub and hugging me towards him. The familiar blonde locks and hazel eyes stand before me as I collapse onto the floor beside the bath tub. I glance back, seeing the red-ish liquid that fills the tub. I look back at the blonde who talks to me. I stare, his words being nothing but a fuzz. I slowly close my eyes, losing myself.

Is this it? Am I finally gone?

At least the last thing I seen was the one that I love.

My Date With A Lynch || Rauraजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें