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Laura's POV

So, we had delicious chicken pot pie for dinner. It was heaps tasty! I'm able to walk around by myself now. I think all I needed was a good meal and a drink of water! Yeah, I haven't had a cup of water for a few days now so I'm guessing that's what I needed. I walk up the stairs while holding onto the railing and as I enter my room, my phone goes off making it's bing sound. I pick my phone up off of the bedside table and I look at the screen.

A text. From Ross! I open it and smile as I read it. The text message says:

Hey beautiful! So, I was wondering if you wanted to come over tonight? If you're not upset, would you like to sleep over tonight? Mom told me to invite you over anyway.

I stare at the screen an read it over and over again before typing in a reply. I send it and it said:

Sure Ross! I'd love to. I'll just go tell mum and I'll ask if she can drive me!

Almost immediately, I got another text from Ross.

No need. I'll come pick you up! So get your pjs and toothbrush, because it's gonna get Lynch-y tonight! :P

I laughed at his weirdness. I sent an 'ok' text and slid my phone into my back pocket. I jog down the stairs and walk into the living room.

"Mom... I'm going to the Lynch's house tonight to sleep. Is that okay?" I ask. She hesitantly nods and I smile, hugging her. "Thank you mom!" I run up the stairs taking two at a time and I pull out my yellow duffle bag from under my bed. I pull out some clothes and chuck it in the bag along with my toothbrush, toothpaste and some other necessary things. I zip up my bag after putting my iPod, headphones and both my phone and iPod chargers into the bag. I put my shoes and large oversized jumper on and go to the front door. A car horn goes off and I open the front door.

"Bye mom! Bye dad! Bye Rick!" I call out loudly before closing the door and running up to the car. I open the door and get in, buckling up and looking at my wonderfully beautiful creature of a boyfriend. He smiles and lightly kisses me slowly. We pull away and he starts to drive.

Once we reach his house, we walk in and Rydel squeals at the sight of me. She runs up to me and hugs me tightly.

"I haven't seen you in, like...forever!" She over exaggerates. Gosh this girl can squeeze. I release myself from her grasp and turn to Ross. He takes my hand and pulls me upstairs to his and Ryland's room. I smile.

"Well, home sweet home." Ross says as he jumps into his bed. Ryland gets off of his bed and walks out. Huh...

"You know, I only just realised this but in Drop Dead Fred, there's a Doctor Ryland..." I say, chuckling lightly but then bursting out into laughter. Ross playfully rolls his eyes and I sit beside him.

"So, what do you want to do?" He asks. I shrug and just as Ross starts leaning in, Rydel bursts through the door. Oh wow...

"I know what to do! Let's play truth or dare!" She beams. I shrug and Ross groans.

"No! We're not playing that! Every time we do, it turns out seriously badly!" Ross disagrees. I giggle at his attempt on getting out of something Rydel wants to do. Rydel pulls is both up and drags is down stairs where everyone is already in a circle. She works quickly!

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