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Laura's POV

Once a messy Ross and I arrive back home from that disaster filled, spaghetti drowning date, he follows me into the bathroom. He closes the door and I lean against the sink, my high heels in hand. Ross sighs and walks up to me and looks me in the eye.

"Look... I-I'm sorry this date didn't turn out the way we planned..." He apologises. I shake my head and look up at his pleading eyes.

"It's fine. Really!" I smile at him and hug him tightly. Then I laugh and pull away. "You have to admit, it was funny when all of that spaghetti landed on the restaurant owner though!" Ross started laughing with me.

"Yeah. I guess that was pretty funny..." He sighs, getting a little bit closer to me. He presses his body against mine and lightly connects our lips. I kiss back and when he pulls away, he pushes me to the shower. "Have a shower. I'll be downstairs having a shower in the backyard." He jokes. I laugh and he walks out, unlocking the door and closing it behind him. I lock the door, undress myself and hop into the shower.

Ross' POV

I run down the stairs and grab my keys. I open the front door and run to my car, jump in and take off. I have to make it up to Laura. Like...we didn't even eat! I make a left turn and then halt the engine. I jump out of the car and run through a door.

"Hey! Slow down!" A man yells as a bell makes sound at the same time. I keep jogging towards some glass and I stop in front of the glass. I lean down and look inside at the fluffy balls inside. They all start making noises and only one doesn't. I look at that noiseless ball of fluff and smile.

"Can I please get this cat?" I ask, pointing at the little fluffy ball of no sound. The guys nods and picks the kitten out from the glass show case box. He hands the cat to me and I smile. The kittens eyes open to reveal one blue eye and one green eye. Wow. "I'll take it." I say. The guy smiles and I pay for the cat, some cat food, kitty litter and all of the other things I would need to take care of a baby cat.

Laura's POV

I turn off the water and reach out for a towel. No towel. Just great. I step out of the shower and waddle to the door. I unlock it and poke my head out.

"Rydel?" I ask. I hear a door open and a girl walks out. It's Stormie. She walks towards me.

"What's wrong, dear?" She asks. I chuckle nervously.

"Um... There isn't a towel in here..." I inform. She nods with an 'oh' expression and she turns around. She opens a door and pulls out a yellow towel with the imprint 'Ross' on the end. I blush and take the towel, closing the door behind me. Stormie chuckles. I lock the door and dry myself off. I wrap Ross' towel around myself and grab my clothes, chucking them into a basket that sat between the sink and the wall. I go to the door and walk down the hallway and into Ross' room. I reach into my bag and grab out my yellow and purple panda pyjamas. The door opens behind me and I turn around to see Ross. Oh gosh, that's embarrassing. My whole face turns red of embarrassment.

"Is that my towel?" He asks, an eyebrow raising. I nod and he smirks. "Cute." Is all he says. I sigh.

"Your mom gave this to me..." I explain. He walks up to me and plays with the top of the towel which is wrap around just above my breasts obviously. I blush a deeper shade of red.

"It's fine." He whispers. I think my face looks like lava now. He hugs me, even though I'm wet, and then he walks back out. I sigh and grab out a matching pair of lace bra and underwear. I quickly change into my clothes before he can walk back in and I chuck the towel onto Ross' bed. I laugh at myself and Ross walks back in. I look at him and he smiles. I walk straight past him and jog downstairs. Ross follows me with a smirk.

"What are you up to?" I ask. He places his hands on my waist and I poke my tongue out at him as I turn to face him at the bottom of the stairs. He looks at the door and I follow his eyes. There's a box. It says LAURA in messy penmanship on the side. I walk up to it and look inside. I gasp.

"He's yours." Ross chuckles. I reach right into the box and pull out the most adorable kitten ever. I turn to Ross and throw myself at him, making sure the kitten doesn't get squashed at the same time.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" I thank him many times before he cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine. We pull away and I smirk. "Now I feel like doing Ratliff's dare..." I trail off.

"DO THE DARE!" Both Rydel and Ratliff yell out at us. I blush and Ross looks at them funny.

"Fine!" I yell and they both do a victory dance. Wait, did they give both of us the same dare? I shrug, hand my kitten to Rydel and pull Ross upstairs. I shoved him into the bathroom to have a shower and I jumped into Ross' room. I threw the towel onto Ryland's bed and I jump onto Ross' bed.

Twenty minutes later and Ross walks in with a towel wrapped around his lower body. I smile and he looks at me funny.

"Can I get dressed?" He asks and I shake my head. He smirks and jumps on me, still wet. I make a squeaky sounds and...things happen...

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