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I know, I'm a terrible person. It's been about half a year since I last updated and I gravely apologize for that. I love you all and I'm so thankful for the people that have stayed. You guys are my jam. My lady jam. "Gross."

Laura's point of view.

"Derrick, I am so sorry." I knock on his bedroom door when I don't receive a response. After a good couple of minutes of no answer, I open his door to see him curled up beside his bed. I frown at the sight and walk towards him. He looks up at me, tears staining his face and I immediately sit beside him, pulling him into my side for a hug. I rub his arm as he sobs into my shirt. "What happened?"

"She broke up with me." He croaks out, sniffling as he pulls back from me. He hangs his head as a defeated sigh leaves is lips. I frown deeper. Why would she break up with Derrick? They were going so well together. "Everything's going to shit," he mutters, "first Sophia, then the thing with you, and now Ashley."

"This year hasn't been very kind to us, hey?" I whisper. Derrick looks up at me, eyes glossed over. He shakes his head lightly.

"It's just us now, Laura," his voice cracks as he whispers and I find myself tearing up as well. He grabs onto me and pulls me towards him, beginning to cry once again. I let a few tears slip down my face remembering the incident with Sophia. I choke on a sob.

"We - We have mum and dad," I try to reassure him. But at this point, I don't know if I'm actually trying to reassure him or myself.

Derrick shakes his head as he looks me in the eyes, "No we don't. We lost them the day we lost Sophia." A few more sobs escape from the back of my throat and we end up curled up together on the cold floor of his room, just crying together as memories flash through my mind.

I'll never have Sophia again. She won't be here to ignore me. She won't be here to hug Derrick and push me away. She won't be here to make sarcastic comments at me. She won't be here to cause mischief and blame it on me. She not be here to be the golden child. She won't be here to be my sister. She just won't be here. Not anymore. Not ever. It's just Derrick and I against the world.

"Rick?" I whisper after we both settle down. He hums in reply, snuggling closer towards me. "Why did Ashley break up with you?" I feel him tense up beside me and he lets out a shaky breath before opening his eyes. He rolls onto his back, just staring at the ceiling.

"I honestly don't know. I might have snapped at her." He speaks softly, as if hi words could slash someone's limb off in an instant.

I sit up and look at him urgently, "What did you do?" He sits up beside me and runs a shaking hand through his disheveled hair.

"She was telling me all the bull about how I've pushed you away and how it's my fault that you almost...that you..." He squeezes his eyes shut tightly and I place a hand on his arm.

"It wasn't your fault. It was mine. I was the one controlling my actions. It was stupid and reckless of me and I'm still incredibly sorry for scaring all of you like that." I whisper to him. "It was selfish of me to do that, especially after Sophia..."

"She told me that I was the reason you hurt yourself, Laura. Do you know what that would've done to me? I just lost it. I couldn't bare the thought of you hurting yourself because of me, and I just lost it. I blew up at her and then she said she couldn't do this anymore." He slumps his shoulders before pulling at his hair. I grab ahold of his hand in mine and I squeeze it lightly.

"Hey, look at me." He looks. "None of this is your fault. And if she left you over something that...minuscule, then she's not worth all of your love." He sniffles and nods, looking down at his lap.

"Thank you, Laura," he smiles at me. "But I can't just throw it all away like that. I'm in love with that girl."

I nod, "Okay. That's okay."

He smiles again, but weakly.

"I love you," I whisper. He presses his forehead to my own and let's out a long breath.

"I love you, too."


I awake to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I sit up in the bed, looking down at Derrick as he rolls over and snuggles further into the blankets of his bed. He asked me to sleep with him earlier because he couldn't sleep without the thought of her raiding his mind. So I slept in his room with him like he had asked of me.

I climb off the bed and head downstairs, yawning as I shuffle to the door. I open it to reveal Rocky. My eyes widen and I quickly go to shut the door, but he puts his foot in the way.

"Laura, wait!" Rocky calls from the other side of the almost closed door.

"What do you want?" I ask, my voice shaky. He makes me nervous.

He lets out a sigh, "I wanted to apologize. I've been meaning to say sorry to you for ages now." I open the door slowly. He shoves his hands into his pant pockets. "Riker told me about the kiss."

I shuffle on my feet uncomfortably, "Y-Yeah?"

"Laura," he steps towards me and I flinch, "I-I'm... You have no idea how sorry I am. I feel terrible."

"It's... It's okay, I guess." I stutter, staring down at my feet.

"No, it's not okay. Laura," Rocky steps towards me again and before I can step back, he grabs my hands in his, "I made you kiss me when you were dating my brother. That's not right. It's not normal. I'm sorry."

My eyes widen at our close proximity. "P-Please, back - just back up please." He steps away from me, releasing my hands in the process. He wipes his hands on his pants and gulps, scratching the back of his neck.

"S-Sorry." He mumbles.

"Uh... I forgive you, by the way." I offer him a small smile and he looks up at me, his eyes brightening up. "It's better to forgive and forget."

"Totally! Yeah," he smiles widely at me and before I get another word out, he wraps me up in a tight hug. "Thank you," he whispers into my shoulder. I pat his back and he releases me.

"You should probably go," I speak softly, shuffling from one foot to the other. He nods his head, waving to me before running back to his car. I close the front door once he drives off and I shake my head, smiling at the fact that we're somewhat okay now. I'll still probably feel awkward around him, but that's expected. At least two relationships have been mended today.

I sigh in contentment as I head back upstairs to wake Derrick up. We need to get some food, after all.

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