Chapter thirty-one: "Momma, it hurts."

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I know your parents don't like me
-Nick Bean

"I have great news for you, suka." (Bitch) Arsen says laughing while entering the room.

Negina rolls her eyes. She wasn't capable of doing anything else. If she did, Arsen would do something to her, or worse to Saiid.

"Negina come back here!" Arsen yells running after Negina through the rooms. "Leave me alone, please." She wails and continues to run away from that monster.

Negina freezes hearing her toddler sons cries from the locked room that Arsen doesn't let Negina in. "Mommy! Mommy! Open it!" Negina hears his fists throwing punches at the door.

Arsen catches up to Negina and yanks her hair. "Thought you could run away, no you don't you little suka." (Bitch)

"Leave me alone, Saiid is crying. Please just this once. I'll do anything, just let me calm him. Please let me feed him." Negina pleads.

Remember when Arsen said that he wouldn't keep a mother away from her child?

Well that's exactly what he's been doing.

"Please, Arsen." Negina pleads.

Arsen's mouth tugs into a smirk. "Ten hits, with the belt."

Negina lets out a sharp sigh, "anything. Please just let me feed him, he hasn't ate anything in so long. He's only a child."

Arsen holds Negina's hair tightly in his grip and leads her to the room. Negina wipes off tears as she approached the room she's been wishing to be in for so long. A three whole, her baby Saiid hasn't eaten anything. Three whole days, Arsen has kept Saiid away from Negina.

"You have thirty minutes. And then, you know what happens." Arsen says unlocking the door.

"Ace!" And on cue Ace comes walking to Arsen. "Yeah bro," he replies swiftly, midway while arriving to Arsen.

"Keep an eye on her, don't let her escape again." Arsen warms and walks off, anxiously waiting for the half-hour to pass.

The door opens and Saiid stands there, his thumb in his mouth, his tears splattered across his cheeks.

"Saiid." Negian gasps taking a hold of him and hugging him. "Saiid, baby. It's gonna be okay."

"Momma, its hurts." Saiid cries.

"Where baby, tell mommy. Where does it hurt?" Negian says quickly taking a look at Saiid from head to toe.

"Wight hewe Mommy." Saiid says pointing to his chest. Negina falls on the floor, cradling Saiid for a whole minute. She stands up, with Saiid in her arms, and goes to get him something to eat for Saiid.

"Mommy, I'm not hungry." Saiid says. But Negina knew that he was lying. "Please, sit wit me." He pleads, just like Negina was pleading a few minutes ago to Arsen.

"Baby, you've gotta eat." Negina says kissing the top of his nose before going to making him some food that kept him full until tomorrow morning when Negina will have to beg Arsen, again, to let her see her son.

She quickly takes Saiid's bath before the thirty minutes are over. She reads him a quick story and tucks him into bed.  Negina sits next to him carefully creasing his hair and watching her toddler sleep, peacefully. Peaceful: it isn't something Negina has experienced lately, and by the looks of it, won't experience it anytime soon.

"Times up." Arsen yells and Negina jumps up a little. She knew that there was no help in fighting and asking him for more time. She knew he wouldn't give it to her. She stands up and bends down to kiss her baby.

Arsen locks the door, leaving Saiid inside the room. Negina's heart broke when Arsen grabs her arm and forces her to follow her to the Room of Torture.

"How many was it?" Arsen asks grabbing  a hold of the hung belt. Negina's eyes follow Arsen's path as he walks from side to side, making Negina more afraid than she already was. "T-ten?" Negina stutters.

"Ten it is." Arsen smirks and the belt slashed against Negina's back, causing her to gasp and turn around to protect her face. "Count them for me."

What the actual fuck is wrong with this man?

"One." Negia says, her voice strong. But not for long before the belt hits her again, and again, and again. And Negina is forced to count her punishments.

Punishment? For what? For seeing her son? Is a mother's love for her son so hard to see? Negina recently found out that Arsen hates her for calling him Khalid during their intimate moment a few years back. Just because this child wasn't his? Did that mean he had to hit Negina, and punish her?

"Eight." Negina lets out a sharp breath and closes her eyes, falling to the ground.

Arsen hates himself for doing this. But there was no other way but to punish Negina. His Mafia looked up to him, he couldn't loose their trust. He had to show them who's boss.

Negina's back aches as Arsen whips her once again. "Nine."

Negina wasn't ashamed, she wasn't in regret of agreeing to this. She wanted to see her son, and she would do anything to get his happiness and to see him smiling.

Arsen didn't want to do this to Negina. He finally understood what a monster he is as he hit her the final time. Negina falls to the ground, her back soar and marked by the brown leather belt. The tears surround her eyes, she still didn't regret taking ten hits. She took those hits to see her son, who she would do anything for.

"I hate you." Negina spits at him. She slowly gets up and limps towards the door. Looking back once, she sees Arsen punching the wall, regretting what he had just done.

"What is it?" Negina asks Arsen in a low voice that she's been using for more than ten years now. Ten years Negina's been trapped in this house, stuck with the Russian mafia.

Negina has seen much in the past ten years. She's seen people get killed, for no reason. Negina's seen people getting imprisoned with a life-time penalty. She's seen girls, get raped. Young girls as young as 13 years of age. And Negina couldn't stop any of it.

She tried once, though. She saw a girl, not any older than 16 years old, she helped her get out. Arsen found out that Negina was the one that led the teenager out and he had to punish her. He gave her a hundred and fifty hits with a whip, publicly in front of the whole Mafia gang. Humiliating Negina, was the worst thing Arsen had ever felt.

"I have a surprise for you." Arsen smirks. Negina looks down, surprised. Surprise? What kind of surprise.

"Follow me." Arsen offers, the smile never leaving his face. He starts walking towards the door and waits for Negina to follow him out the door and down to the What Negina calls "The Cave of Horror".

It's a dark cave looking room. The walls all painted dark blue cement with whips and crops hung up all over the walls. The cave was located under the ground, you even had to use a ladder to go down. But down there there was no windows, only a little tunnel that a person could fit through. But god knows where that cave leads to. Arsen and his Mafia even had a name for this cave, 'Zindaan' which translates to 'prison'.

Arsen opens the door and gestures for Negina to walk towards the edge, where a later was stood up. She gasps seeing him tied up, wrists bloody, on the floor.

"Negina." He growls in pain, but still surprised to see her.


Authors Note-

I'm sorry for kind of skipping eight years ahead of time, but still I want to thank each and every one of my readers for actually reading my nonsense.

I love you!

Question of the day: Do you think/want Khalid to/will end up with Negina at the end of this book?

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