Chapter twenty-six: " are expecting a girl."

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Shit is crazy, right?

"Leave her out of this!" Mohammad growls at the disgusting person in front of him. The man raised up his Akdal Arms pistol at Mohammad. Mohammad was surprised by the amount of bravery this man has had.

"Oh Mohammad, she's already in this." He snickers and walks closer to Mohammad, the gun attached to his fingers.

"She's pregnant!" Mohammad screams at the man.

"Well," the man says, his ugly smirk disgusting Mohammad. "that won't stop me from marrying her."

As if on cue his other two men with similar guns and looks laugh. "Ace, Rider! Shut it!" The man yells.

"W-what?" For the first time in a long time, Mohammad was afraid. Afraid that his little girl would be taken away from him.

"You heard me. I am going to marry your daughter." The man says, loosing his temper and with every word pointing the gun at Mohammad.

"I am not letting my daughter marry some mafia jerk, Arsen." Mohammad spits at the mention of his name.

Mohammad raises his fist up to punch him. His lips part but before he can spit something else at him, Arsen replies before pouting his gun back in the waistband of his pants and walking off. "And that's not an offer."

Mohammad couldn't believe that he let this stupid Russian Mafia boy take away his daughter. But she wasn't really his daughter anymore, he disowned her. But she was his blood, his daughter. And he promised to protect her until his final day on this world.

How would he tell his daughter this? How would he explain this to Negina, to his wife, to his kids, to his people?

Simple: he wouldn't.

Mohammad decided to put another two bodyguards to protect Negina. He would put her on house arrest. And he wouldn't let her out of Carters sight.

Simple. But planing out was the only simple thing in this situation.


"So Khalid is my fiancé?" Negina asks, just to make sure she understood her life story correctly.

"Yes," Naser says encouragingly smiling.

"And I'm pregnant?" Negina asks in the same tone.

"Yes." Naser says with the same smile. "it's a boy."

"It is?" Negina looks down at her stomach and lays her hand flatly on the bump. The first day that she knows she's pregnant, but the baby is almost six months old. Weird.

"Does this 'Khalid' know that I'm pregnant?" Negina says looking down, sadly and ashamed of herself. Negina knew better than to have sex with Khalid before getting married. Negina was confused, why would she do that. How could she live with herself after that.

"No," Lisa sighs, being the only person in the hospital room that could actually deliver the news to Negina. "He doesn't know."

"Can I tell him?" Negina suddenly feels upset about how her own fiancé didn't know that she's pregnant. I mean come on! It's been freaking six months! Did he not even visit once?

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