Chapter twenty-three: "She isn't with us anymore."

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может быть забудем все и сбежим
У нас одна любовь и одна только жизнь
А может быть забудем все и сбежим,навсегда
-время и Стекло

And may be we'll forget everything and run
We have one love and one only life
And may be we'll forget everything and run
-Vremya and Steklo

"Slow down. Why are you chasing so fast?" Negina says as she holds in tightly to her handlebar.

"I'm not." Sediq accuses as he attempts to slow the car down with breaks but they wouldn't work. The car wouldn't stop at all.

"Slow down!" Negina yells when she sees the speedometer going higher than a hundred and twenty.

Sediq knew that their breaks had broken down. His last hope was for the emergency break to help. His hand pushes the hand break down, but it didn't even slow the car down by a little bit. Sediq lost control of everything and before they know it the car had driven itself off of the elevated highway.


Khalid pulls away from Jasmines kiss hearing a loud cacophony of sounds. They look down below the bridge seeing a car upside down.

"That's Negina's car." He says to himself. His face turns pail just thinking of the fact that his fiancé is in that car. How Khalid wishes that his instincts were wrong and that it wasn't Negina car, after all.

"Call 911!" Khalid yells to Jasmine and runs down the bricked stairs to the first level where the water was. Jasmine nods her head and pulls her phone out to call.

"911, What is your emergency?"

"There's a car crash near the embankment. The car is on fire and people are in it!" She explains. And the lady on the other side tells Jasmine to calm down and that they'll be there soon.

Jasmine decides to follow Khalid and runs down the stairs to where Khalid has already taken out Naser and now is trying to get the other person out. Naser was already getting immediate help from the nearby doctors who were found in the crowd of gathering people.

"Khalid!" Jasmine shrieks, afraid that something might happen to Khalid. After all of what happened, she couldn't loose him. Not now that they have made this huge mistake that will change their lives forever.

"The car might blow up! Back away from it!" He yells waving his hands to the gathering crowd. And the crowd obliges, too afraid to loose their lives.

Khalid carefully climbs in the car and gently takes out an unconscious Negina. He takes her out of the flipped car area and carefully lays her down on a bench. Slowly he starts doing massages to her heart, and giving mouth to mouth respiration help. Her heart had started beating again by the time the paramedics came to collect Negina into the truck with the flashing red light and drive her to the nearest hospital.

"Which hospital are you driving he to?" Khalid asks. He gets the name of the hospital and with that the truck was off. Chasing across cars with their flashing lights and loud siren on.

"Jasmine, you realize that I have to be there with her." Khalid explains.

She smiles, "yeah I understand. She is your wife now. You won't care about us anymore." She says placing a hand on her stomachs.

Khalid raises his eyebrow, "us? Who us?"

"Me and your child you dimwit!" Jasmine yells out and tears start forming in her eyes. Khalid didn't know weather to be happy or sad. But all he knew was that he couldn't just leave her at the embankment. She was carrying his child. He couldn't believe it, but she was.

"Are you mad?" Jasmine asks looking down at the ground.

Khalid knew that he couldn't be mad at her because it was just as much his fault as much as her own fault, "Of course not, how could I be mad?"

"Let's get going." Khalid says wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"What about Negina and Naser?" Jasmine asks.

"They'll be alright." Khalid assures as they carry on walking to his car.

But through the whole drive he was silent, he listened to Jasmine talk about how happy she was. But he couldn't think of anything else but this baby. How could this have happened? She was on the pills and he always wore a condom. What kind of mystery was this? Was he ready to be a father? Would he be able to raise this child right?

"Jasmine?" Khalid asks finally speaking up and breaking her from her babbling, "Are you sure this baby is mine?"

"Of course it's yours!" Jasmine claims. "How could you think such nonsense of me. Listen, if you don't want this baby you don't have to have it. You don't have to accept this baby if you don't want to and if you think I'm using you. But I want it. And I'll be happy for whoever I have, a girl or a boy."

"Baby, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was even thinking." He apologizes. "I want to have this baby with you."


"BPM 80," one of the nurses confirms to one of the doctors. "Blood pressure 120/79." She continues as the doctor takes a looks at Negina and attempts to open her eyes for her.

"Doctor? What is wrong?" Sediq asks from the bed next to hers.

"Mr. Sediq," The doctor scolds, "you wanted to be in the same room as your cousin. You already got what you wanted, now please shut up and let me do my job." The doctor says annoyed of Sediq. Sediq was alright after the crash. Just minor injuries on the wrist and brain. But Negina wasn't.

"You should be thankful I didn't put you on mute mode, I should have." The doctor mutters to himself as he clicks the pen open.

"Cheryl, did you call her family?" The doctor says to the nurse in a whisper.

"No, you told me to wait until we got the test results." The nurse tells him.

"We got them." The doctor confirms.

"And..." the nurse says impatiently.

"Positive." The doctor writes on the clipboard. And the nurse, Cheryl, scurries off to find Negina's closest relatives information.

"What the fuck?" Sediq yells in confusion of what he just heard. Could the doctor mean that Negina had... no.


"Doctor, what happened?" A group of people came at the poor doctor like animals that just escaped from the zoo. He soon found out that all these "nice" people are Negina family.

"Doctor, just tell us straight. What happened to Negina?" Negina's father, Mohammad, asks almost pleading to the doctor.

"She isn't with us anymore," The doctor says sadly. A few gasps are heard before Naser speaks up, "but how? All the monitor they're beeping and her heart is beating."

"We are using an artificial form of life on Negina, she is physically with us. But her mind is not with us anymore." The doctor explains.

"Why? Why not just kill my baby girl already. All you guys can do is kill people. Why put this pressure on her! Just turn the monitors off!" Negina's mother yells at the doctor and Mohammad has to hold her back from punching the doctors face.

"Because of the baby." The doctor says.

Authors Note-
Well, wtf just happened...

So, I just got a whole different idea for this book so you better brace yourself for some crazy shit.

Question of the day: Jasmine or Negina with Khalid?

Answer of the day from the author: unknown...

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