Chapter thirty-eight: "My girl on fire."

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When I am with you there's no place I'd rather be
-Clean Bandit


I stare at her as Mackenzie sashays to me and Husna. I hear Husna scoff and step behind me while pulling down her sleeves over her hands. I gulp when Mackenzie stands right in front of me. I look down into her eyes, she smirks. "I hear your a good kisser."

I look away, staring at Husna. Asking her what I'm supposed to do, with my eyes. She glares at me, folds her arms over her chest, and stares off into the sky. I roll my eyes. Some best friend I have.

"Prove it, kiss me." Mackenzie asks, but her tone seems like she's demanding me to kiss her. I hesitate to reply and she continues. "I wanna see if you really know how to kiss."

From the corner of my eye I see Husna roll her eyes and step up to Mackenzie. "I heard the news was real." Husna adds.

Mackenzie nods. "I have too, I just wanna make sure that those fake hoes ain't lying."

I have officially had enough of Mackenzie's nonsense. How in the world did I ever like her in the first place? I scoff, "I really don't think I wanna kiss a slut like you."

Mackenzie laughs, "I doubt you've ever kissed any girl."

Husna frowns, "your rude, bitch." Husna comments.

"All I want is a kiss." Mackenzie shrugs.

I shake my head, "ain't happening."

She shrugs, "it's just a kiss, Hassan. I mean if you have a girlfriend, it won't hurt her unless she finds out. But I don't think you have a girlfriend." She steps closer to me and I step back. She places her hands on my chest and runs them up and down. I stay frozen.

Husna speaks up again, "not unless his girlfriend is standing right beside him."

My eyes go wide and I turn my head towards Husna, in confusion. She bites her lip and I know we both fucked up. We've gotta get out our way out of this lie. My thoughts are broken when I hear Mackenzie laugh, fate.

"Kiss me Hassan, that's it." Mackenzie says, as if kissing a girl is totally normal and an everyday hung to do.

"Over my dead body would I let my boy friend kiss a whore like you." Husna spits.

"You and Ms. I'm-a-terrorist, are thing?"

"What if we are?" Husna yells at Mackenzie. I mentally slap myself, too much Husna. But this Mackenzie girl has got my insides burning up. I hate her.

"Why her Hassan, when you could have a bad girl like me." Mackenzie flips her extension-colored hair.

This got me very mad.

"Shut the fuck up Mackenzie! Your a fake-ass bitch that no one wants around." I call out after her as she clicks away in her high-heels. May I remind you, it's the end of February, and very cold!

I notice that Husna was already walking and at the entrance of the daycare building. I quickly run to catch up to her and apologize for that scene with Mackenzie. I grab her arm before she enters the daycare.

"Husna, wait-"

She shrugs her arm away, "leave me the fuck alone!" She spits and I notice that her eyes are puffy and looks like she just rubbed her eyes hard. I sigh, "You know what she said was wrong and incorrect."

She pulls away from my stare, "I don't need a man to validate me." And just like that I lost her. I lost my best friend. But most importantly, I let the girl of my dreams slip away right between my fingers. 

I sigh and sign out Arezo before walking to her classroom to pick her up.

Later that night I lay in bed, with Arezo by my side sleeping peacefully like an angel. Who could I talk to. Who would be the one to help me bring back Husna. Not being able to talk with her for a whole five hours left me hurt and broken. I realized that I needed her attention. I needed to tell her that I miss her.

"She's most beautiful girl in the world. Shes the girl on fire. She's got a tough exterior that may scare some people away but inside, she's soft hearted and gentle." I remember telling Hayden a few hours earlier.

"She's a mystery, wrapped in a riddle, lost in an enigma. She's beyond beautiful on the outside but her inside shines through when she finally lets you break down some bricks to her VERY tall wall." I continued.

"I learned not to make her mad because you won't hear from her for days. She's a girl on fire with a hothead temper. Texting her 50 times that you're sorry does not help so don't do it. Shes the most stubborn person you'll ever meet but when things are good, she's the sweetest."

"She's highly intelligent with an awesome personality. She's the perfect girl. She'll laugh at your jokes and even joke with you. She'll make you feel on top of the world if you can make her feel like the only girl in the world. She has terrific music taste." I said to Hayden.

"She's by far, hands down the MOST GORGEOUS WOMAN ALIVE. So beautiful, she is the girl on fire. Oh, and she does not like buttercream frosting! Get her the whipped cream one for her birthday. Whoever ends up with this beautiful girl will be the luckiest person alive. I truly mean that."

He laughed at me and told me, "your in love my dude."

I realized that I couldn't live without her. I needed Husna in my life. And that is exactly what I told her the next day at school.

Well, not exactly.

I went up to Husna the next day, and kissed her. In front of all her friends. In front of her brother. In front of all the teachers. In front of the whole school. I kissed Husna. I kissed the girl of my dreams. I kissed the girl on fire. My girl on fire.

Authors Note-

Is Saiid really in love with Husna? Good couple, or nah?

Negina | ✔️Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt