Chapter four: "Its gonna burn me!"

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I swear I'll love you in a different way
-DJ Snake and Lauv

Deep breaths...

How Negina felt that night laying in bed, thinking about her future with Khalid. She refused to talk to anyone, to even see anyone as a matter of fact. Her hand rested behind her head and her legs are crossed one over the other. Negina stares up at the ceiling that lead up to the sun setting sky.

Only now Negina realized how stupid she was to agree to this nonsense. Negina sits straight up realizing something.

I don't know how to cook!

For most of you females readings you might think, pfft who cares.

Apparently everyone does. Every Afghan female is supposed to know how to cook. It's sharm (a shame) if one doesn't.

Negina throws her head down in embarrassment as she asks her mother for help. Her mother on the other hand laughs which Negina totally did not expect. Looking up she finds her mom staring with amusement filling her eyes. That's how they ended up in the kitchen for the next few hours.


"You can not be serious! I can't marry her!" Khalid growls at his parents who are seated in front of him on the love-seat couch. Standing up, Khalid glares at his dad.

"You know how much I love Jasmine." Khalid bulges at his father. Anger spills as he contains himself from continuing.

"She's not Afghan. Forget Afghan, she's not even Muslim! You can't be with her forever." His mom butts in.

"What about my business, mother. We just opened our third pharmacy, you can't bring marriage trouble on me now!" He yells. "What about the fact that I've never seen her. What if she's some fat ugly 30 year old!"

His mother stands up slapping his cheek.

"I am your mother! You will respect us, Negina, and her family. Understand?" She says threateningly leaning in closer to Khalid.

"Khow mor." (Yes mom.) Khalid exhales knowing that he lost this battle. "But just know that what to just did, I'll never forget. Parents." He spits before grabbing his car keys and heading out the door to his girlfriends house.

In his twenty four years of life, Khalid had never yelled at his parents. Always obeyed them because they have a reputation to hold up. He never wanted to upset his parents. In his defense Khalid was mad, he blew up like a volcano.

"Hey babe." Jasmine bites her lip opening the door. Just as the wooden door shuts Jasmine throws her arms across Khalid's neck. His hands wrap under her bare thighs, picking her up off the floor. Their lips collide together hungrily.

Khalid's white teeshirt is thrown off of him and is now laying on the floor. Jasmine is now pulling of his jeans. Khalid takes time to undress Jasmine while kissing every part of her body as he goes.

"I love you." He whispers against her shoulder blade. Jasmine moans as Khalid unclips her bra, slowly and steadily taking off the straps.


Meanwhile, our friend Negina was having difficulties in the kitchen.

"Mom it's gonna burn me!" Negina yells as the oil starts popping hot bubbles, burning her hands. She drops the spatula abruptly and it lands in the floor. Negina picks it up and washes the spatula.

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