Chapter twenty-four: "Let me see my wife!"

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And if it ends, can we be friends?
-Justin Bieber

"What baby?" Mohammad spits, puzzled. "Who's child?"

"Her child!" Mustafa says in an obvious tone.

Naser slaps the back of his head, telling him to shut up and let the older people deal with it.

"When did this happen?" Her Mom says disappointed in herself and her daughter.

"Dad, say something!" Madina says looking for an answer.

"No daughter of mine will ever have a child before marriage." He states clearly and walks out of the hospital room.

"Dad!" Mustafa, Naser, and Madina yell in unison after their father.

"Mohammad!" Negina's mom yells after him. And after that she couldn't talk. She just lost her daughter and maybe her husbands trust.

But it was too late, he was already out of the room and on his way out of the hospital. With guilt and regret all over his mind. He had just lost his daughter.

"It's Khalid's child." Sediq wanted to say. He wanted to put it out to the world but he wasn't sure weather he should. He gave Khalid and Negina his word that he wouldn't tell anyone on behalf of Negina's trouble.

But her father just disowned her. She died and he disowned her. Her child is disowned. Negina isn't even alive anymore. She is but she isn't. She is alive but she is dead.

"She's dead." Madina says to herself. "She's dead!" She yells louder.

"Its Khalid's baby." Sediq says quickly.

"What did you say? Why didn't you say this five minutes ago!" Naser yells standing up, about to charge at Sediq.

"She died, because of me." Sediq says looking down in shame.

Madina slowly walks up to him, "hey, it wasn't you fault. It was just an unfortunate even that happened. Don't blame yourself for something you never did."

"But if I tried to-"

"No." Madina says, in her eyes you could sense how she wanted to scream. Sediq could see how hard Madina was trying to hold herself from breaking down. "It wasn't your fault. Okay?"

Sediq nods his head to Madina but yet his soul doesn't dare to agree with Madina. He knows that it was his fault. He knows that he could have saved her. And now, because of him, Negina's baby would have to grow up without a mom.

"So, are you guys going to keep the baby. Or not?" The doctor asks.


"I am her husband!" Khalid demands stomping his leg on the ground. "Let me see my wife!"

"Sir, I have strict orders not to let you in." Carter says, standing broad in front of the door and not letting Khalid inside.

"It's been 2 fucking months! Everyday I come her and everyday your standing there like a statue! Why won't you let me see her!?" Khalid asks, wondering if this person ever sleeps or eats.

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