Chapter twenty-eight: "I told you, I'd get her."

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It was the last step before the big day. As numerous women, young and old, gathered to say goodbye to the bride-to-be for the last time before the wedding day, for Negina the henna celebration was the most highly anticipated part of her wedding experience, giving her the opportunity to enjoy time with her friends freely before tying the knot.

But that was before she got pregnant, before she knew that Jasmine is pregnant. Now Negina just wants to get this night through and out of her head.

It was six o'clock when Sediq and Negina were driven to the grand hall that was exceptionally decorated by more than thirty people and was finished in less than two days.

The traditional bride and groom entrance song, Pa bismillah qadam ra wakhla, (take your step with Allahs trust) plays and with Negina's head lowered, they walk. Negina is asked to look up for just a few minutes so that the pictures come out good. And she does, smiling a cute smile, a few photos are taken and Negina and Sediq walk to their place at the front of the room.

Negina didn't smile. No, she couldn't smile. No, she wasn't aloud to smile. In strict Islamic cultures such as found in tribal groups, it is imperative a bride never smile during the entire Afghan wedding event.

The reason for this stems from the cultural value of honor - the women of the family bring honor or shame on the family. For a bride to smile in public will cause her father to lose honor. Her happiness must be contained or people will think she is happy to leave her father's house.

After the food and tea has been served, the bride and groom get separated. Sediq is escorted to the other room with the males and Negina is left alone on the stage. After a few minutes a few girls show up at the stage. Negina could count exactly how many, but she was sure that there was at least nine or ten of them.

Negina stares at the mahogany color getting emprinted on her arms, her henna. She tries to block out the loud music and the girls that are holding Negina's hands and doing her wedding mehndi. But she couldn't, she couldn't live with herself just leaving Jasmine and Khalid. Negina wanted to disappear; not from this world, but from this day, from this life, from this family.

"Mustaf! You can not be in the lady's room!" Negina hears someone, Shafiqa, yell. That brought a little laugh out of her mouth but Negina quickly covers it up with a couch.

Negina was seated in the front of the room, on the decorated stage. Young girls dance around Negina and the girls that are doing her henna. The food has been served, the tea has been served, the henna has been applied. Now all that's left is to sleep through the night and wait for what the night has in stock for them.


"Sediq," The Imam says gesturing him to step forward and say his vow to Negina.

"I, Sediq Noori, pledge to do whatever it takes to make you and our children happy, I promise to never make you upset or cry, I pledge, in honesty and sincerity, to be for you a faithful and helpful husband." Sediq promises.

"Negina," The Imam gestured. Negina exhales a breath that she's been holding on for long.

Negina holds her breath tightly, not letting go under any circumstances. Now Negina tries to kill herself from not having enough air, but it didn't happen. She still has to say her vows.

Negian suddenly feels a horrid pain in her stomach. Oh god, not here. Not now! She places her hand over her stomach and her baby calms down a little.

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