Chapter nine: "I would never agree to this nonsense."

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There's something about his manners
-Camila Cabello 


At nights, I used to lay in bed crying." The young teenager explains to Negina as Negina continuously takes notes on the paper in her clipboard. Her instructed glances at her while Negina listens into the patient.

"Now, I just lay there with a blank expression on my face. I never thought I'd get used to feeling this way, but I did." The miserable girl explains.

"So, why did you cut?" Negina asks her.

"I guess... it was the only pain I could control." The girl sits in the chair. Not moving, nor daring to saying anything else for the next two minutes.

Negina takes a minute to think about what would happen if Lema and Naser end up together. She shakes her head almost laughing at the though before returning her attention to the girl that's still deep in thought.

Has she died?


"Mr. Malik, what is the content of this bottle?" The police asks Khalid. Khalid snickers, "Its regular caught drops."

"Regular..." the police says opening the cap, being sure that there's drugs in the bottle. "cough drops?"

"I believe, that whatever your looking for, sir. Your looking for in the wrong place." Khalid answers truthfully. Surely knowing that the police came to find rare drugs in his pharmacy. The police leave after apologizing to Khalid.

"Now, baby why don't you explain to me what the bloody hell just happened?" Khalid asks Jasmine.

"They were looking for these," Jasmine says holds up a bottle of red pills. "I found them in your drawer earlier. So I put them in my purse and replaced them with cough drops."

"Where did that one from, we don't sell those type of drugs." Khalid says to himself.

"Baby, you know how much trouble that could've costed you?" Khalid says standing up from his chair and wraps his arms around Jasmines shoulders.

"You realize that they could've put you in jail." Jasmine says not waiting for a reply from Khalid. And he doesn't pressure himself to find one.

"But babe, I have a feeling that they knew where to look for the pills. As if they asked someone to put them there?" Jasmine questions.

"You noticed that too." Khalid recognizes.

"Don't worry, whatever happens. I'll always be there." Jasmine says planting a kiss on Khalid's lips.

But Khalid's mind is busy with the thought of his namzat. (fiancé) What'll happen to their relationship when Khalid gets married. Will Jasmine leave him or will she stay by his side like she's promising now?


Placing her huge textbook into the drawer, Negina stands up and goes downstairs for a snack. Seeing her in laws, Negina is surprised. After greeting them each she plasters on a smile as she walks to the kitchen, where as you may have noticed she spends most of her life.

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