I wiped away the tears and opened the door. There he was sitting peacefully in the bed, waiting for me.

"How much of that did you hear?" I asked shyly as I walked over to him.

"Enough to know that something is up, plus your tear-stained cheeks are a dead giveaway... What's wrong bella?" Alex asked softly, standing up and caressing my cheek comfortingly when he referenced it.

I remained silent, as my jaw clenched, and unclenched while I decided whether to tell him or not.

"Ava, what happened? Is your mom okay?" Alex asked again as his face contoured into a worried one.

"Alex, can we not talk about it right now? Please?" I asked barely above a whisper, not looking at anything in particular.

"Fine however you wish, just know that if you need anyone to talk to, you have me." His arms then went around me and hugged me deeply as his soft lips placed themselves atop my head.

It took me a moment to react, but once my senses came back I wrapped my own arms around him.

"Thanks baby." I found myself saying.

Since when do I call him baby ?

What the bloody hell's wrong with me?!

This cannot be happening...

"Baby?" His deep voice rumbled against our chests as he asked amusedly, while he broke the inviting hug to look me in the eyes. His dazzling olive eyes were glistening with mischief as his lips took form of a smirk.  

"I'm never going to live this down am I?" I said as I released a defeated sigh.

"Nope," he said as he chuckled. "But, truth be told, I don't mind it." he said as he winked and rested his forehead against mine,  biting his bottom lip.  We both chuckled softly and as the laughs died down, a strong tension started to rise.

His lips got dangerously close to mine, we were centimeters apart. My eyes were closed as I felt my breath get caught in my throat.

His lips brushed against mine.

Was I really going to go through with this? If we... if I kiss him, there's no going back...

It's going to be free willed, no dare, no deal, just us. Alex and Ava, going for it.

We were about to close the distance when a phone started to ring.

Great timing.

I rolled my eyes as I stepped back and Alex fished his phone out of his jogger's pocket.

"Yes?" He answered annoyed instead of saying hello.

"A party?"


"No." He changed his body language as he rested his weight against one of the bed post.

"Really Mason?" he said in an 'are you kidding' tone as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Right now? I'm kinda in the middle of something..." He said as his eyes trailed over to me and he sent me a wink.

"Sure, why not... See you later." and with that he cut the call.

"What was that all about?" I asked as I looped my arms around his neck.

"Nothing... just a football party invite..." He said dismissively.

"You should go.." I said as I bit my lip.

"Meh, not right now... don't get me wrong I do plan on going, but later, and so are you by the way... Now I believe you were about to kiss me. " He said as he started to lean in.

I scoffed. "Me? No sir you did the leaning, the lip brushing, it was all you." I said playfully with a smirk and an arched brow.

"Well I don't really remember, do you mind if I refresh my memory?" He played along as he looked down at me lustfully. He started to lean in again

His lips were as close as they were last time, "Not at all." I said dazed.

There was a knock at the door.

Alex groaned and rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Who is it?" He asked impatiently.

"Sir, it's me..." Stella's voice came through weak and muffled, by the door.

"Come in." Alex ordered. The door was opened softly and in came the now frail woman.

"Stella what's wrong?" Alex asked worried. She looked like the life was drained out of her as she sent us a broken stare.

"Sir, it's... It's your father!" She exclaimed as a sob left her lips and tears trailed down her face.


A/N:  Well that's it for this chapter. Tell me what you thought on the comments below, I personally love how the story is unraveling. Until next time,

Lots of Love and Virtual Hugs,


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