Volume 3 Chapter 2: It's Brawl in the Family

Start from the beginning

(Y/N): ..... What the fuck?

(Y/N) feels Summer's grip beginning to tighten and shaking as she is frighteningly staring at the Apple.

(Y/N): Mrs. Rose?

Summer: (trembling) It..... kills people....

(Y/N): I don't think it's just people....

Summer: What?

(Y/N): Every living thing....

Summer: And it chose you....

Summer stares at (Y/N).

Summer: (Y/N)....

(Y/N): (turns to Summer) Huh?

Summer: ....What are-

Summer gets cut off from the elevator's signal as (Y/N) and Summer turns their focus on the elevator for a bit. (Y/N) turns back to Summer, who has now vanished, then back to the elevator, revealing Ironwood, Glynda, Ozpin and Penny. 

Penny is happily gasps in surprise to see (Y/N) as she tackles him down for a hug.

Penny: Bestie!


Glynda: I see; you two have hitten it off.

(Y/N): (choking) You have no idea....

Ironwood: May I ask; How?

Penny: (Y/N) and I ki-mmmmph (mouth covered by Y/N)

(Y/N): -indly hung out with each other. (laughs nervously)

Glynda: Oooookaaay....

(Y/N) and Penny stands back. (Y/N) dusts himself off as Penny surprises him by wrapping her arms around his as she giggles.

Ironwood: .....What is going-

(Y/N): UHHHH, Uncle Ozpin! I came here just to ask; what kind of student am I fighting?

Ozpin: Well, he's not particularly a student...

(Y/N): Not here?

Ozpin: No... He's not a student.

(Y/N): He's a Huntsman?

Glynda: You could say that...

Ironwood: Though he is much more of a..... "Spiritual Hunter?"

Glynda: I guess...

(Y/N): Huh?

Ozpin: He refers to himself as the "Demon Hunter."

(Y/N): Like; Grimms?

Ironwood: He's a very odd man....

Glynda: He's like Qrow, but more intimidating...


Ironwood: What?!

They all look outside the window and sees....

They all look outside the window and sees

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