Rewrite the Stars Part 3

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Hey ya'll here's PART 3 to REWRITE THE STARS!! I hope you guys are enjoying this short as much as I am writing it! Do you like my edit up top? The background makes Devan look like he has a mustache tho but ALL WELL😂😂 I have a song up top you can play before, during, or after you read. If you play it during you can start it like ANYWHERE that has a setting change, so if you you wanna do that go ahead!

Anyways here's a recap of the last short;

..."Vanessa is my first crush. She's the only person that caused my heart stop, made my knees weak every time I saw her, the one person who could brighten up my day just knowing she was happy," he stared at the older brother with hurt eyes, "I think I fell in love with her, Collins. How can I see her normally again when the only feeling inside of me is wanting her to be mine when she's with someone else?" ...

...Roni just nodded, looking away, "Okay, but back to Devan..Collins told me that he's been locking himself away because of the fight." He was shutting himself out..because of me? She didn't mean to hurt him like this! How can she ever face him now? He probably hates her!

"....and maybe you could just talk to him abo-." Vanessa stood up quickly from the bed and stuttered out, "I have to go meet up with Harrison now." She went and grabbed her purse as her sister spoke, "But what about-." Nessa forced her tears away, "B-Bye Roni." That's when she sped out of the house as quickly as possible leaving her sister in distraught once more...

...Vanessa felt more tears welling up in her eyes. Even her fans knew something was wrong! She can't lie to herself and say everything's okay. It's not okay! She just ruined a relationship and she may never get it back! But..she needed to keep this hidden, or she'd just hurt someone else. A tear fell down her cheek and she wiped it on her sleeve, pulling out of the driveway. You can't rewrite the stars, their bound to break and her hands are tied...

Okay you guys'!! The moment you've all been waiting for...Rewrite the Stars PART 3!!!

Vanessa got out of her car, arriving at her boyfriend's apartment building. Numbness and agony filled the girl's mind as she stepped out of the vehicle. She didn't want to be there. She had no idea why, but right then she felt discomfort. Come on Nessa, stop being a baby, she scolded herself. Holding her head down, the young woman walked up the sidewalk, climbing the stairs, and to the wooden door in front of her. She stood there hesitantly for a few moments, holding in her breath, and then she pounded her fist softly against the door.

Soon, Harrison opened the door to see his girlfriend with a grin appearing on his complexion, "Hey babe!" Nessa gave a little smile, "Hey Harrison." The man leaned down to her face and pecked her lips affectionally. As he pressed his lips against hers, Vanessa couldn't help but feel queasy. What was happening to her? She used to love his kisses..but now she didn't feel the spark like she once did.

But..she formed a fake smile for him to see after he pulled away. Harrison took her hands and led her inside the room. Nessa had been in his apartment many times before, although she noticed it looked smaller than she last remembered it. The kitchen blended into the living room, the furniture crammed against one another making it harder to move around. She glanced at the open bedroom to see an unmade bed and cloths streamed all around. Would she have to sleep in that?

Harrison moved some junk off the couch and they sat down, "So, wanna have something to eat? I have pizza in the fridge..or we can order take out." Vanessa played with the braid in her hair, "Whatever you want is fine." He started to raise an eyebrow, "You sure.. because I just want to make you happy." She winced hearing the sentence he uttered. I don't know if anything could make me happy right now, she thought. The Merrell Twin just kindly said, looking up at him, "I haven't had pizza in a while.." The boyfriend grinned again, "Okay! Leftover pepperoni pizza coming right up!"

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